How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

guess my girls are going into winter mode already only 2/7 yesterday and it's been 3 days since I got one from one of the 3 EEs. ::????
I I am still only getting one a day from one lady. But check out the size difference in one day. Poor girl
9 from 17 today, there may be more as I just heard the egg song while I am typing! Chased off a cat today. Today was the first time in a week that the girls have been outside. I am real nervous about predators!
4/7, guess the shorter days and cooler weather have totally turned off my EEs?
My EEs have really slowed down too....the Red Sex Links and the Marans are still laying, and so is my Buff Orpington. But only 1 EE egg today. So I got 7/9....EEs Mathilda and Gladys have just about stopped, still getting one every other day or so from Daphne, and Agatha is still sitting on eggs.

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