How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I had a rir that laid a huge egg, similar to yours, i free range my chickens, one morning when i let them out i noticed her moving strange, about 10 feet from her i noticed an egg half way out, couldnt catch her, that evening, the biggest chicken egg i ever got, no egg the next day, dead chicken day after.....not sure what causes it, or how to prevent
What a beautiful basket of eggs!

the most we ever had, no broken ones nor soft shell
First 4 egg day! But 2 were blue! Just 4, but it was EGGCITING! Mine are all young 25 wks and less. The waiting! getting 1, sometimes 2. Then it got so hot! 105-109! It cooled off. 3 yesterday and 4 today so I really do believe the heat affects laying. And now I know that 2 EE's are laying blue. One pooped her egg on the coop floor, but that's ok. How silly to be so eggcited.

We had five leghorns and two delaware hens all about laying age two leghorns were laying. So far that i know of and the got one of the ones i believe was laying this morning, i one got one egg so i assuming she was. They just all hit the laying age the delawares are a week or two younger so they should start soon same with the other three leghorns if the one that was killed was a layer.
4 eggs today

3 eggs from the control group

1 egg from the free range chickens

Temp only 102 F degrees and calm winds with clear sky's
every seemed to have nap most of the day with much water consumed .....

One domestic cat was put down early in the morning for hunting the chickens and the Guinea alerted with loud screeching so they have a use and pointed out the intruder ..........


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