How many hubbys or boyfriends...

LOL, LOL, LOL!!! Need I say more!
I'm pretty lucky for the most part...DH will do laundry and dishes etc.
However cleaning out the sandboxes/chicken cop is MY job lol

He can't handle it he says cos he has "a sensitive nose/stomach etc" At least when I am sick he does it, but he ends up looking like he rented a Hazmat suit!! Long sleeved shirt, old pants, scarf over his face with Vicks under his nose lol GEEZ make a production out of it whydontcha

I do the cooking and he does the vacuuming.... all in all I have it pretty good
That's the deal we have going. My DH has never done housework, dishes, laundry or cooking. He goes to work and does all the outside the house jobs (although I do cut the grass, take care of the garden and chicks, etc.). I'm a housewife and I do whatever I can to support my DH so that we can enjoy weekends and time together. Married 25 years and we are both very happy playing traditional roles. He stays out of my kitchen and I stay out of his garage
Redhen, you better go Kiss that DH of yours and tell him how much you appreciate him!!!!!

I can remember my kids and I went to a friends home and she was taking us on a tour of her house and her DH was in the basement folding clothes. When we got into the car to leave my kids said, Mom, Did you see him folding clothes, he must be in trouble!

I do all the inside stuff, he handles the outside. He's a hard worker and I'm too picky about how I want things done inside. My kids unload the dishwasher and clean their rooms, beyond that, I do the rest and I don't mind it, I like it done right the 1st time!
When I was working and my husband was not, he cleaned the whole house. He done the laundry and cooked my lunch everyday and supper every night.

I am so wishing he would quit working and let me go back to work.
It was so nice.
My hubby always does the laundry, its his Sunday thing.... I do all the other inside jobs, the dishes, cooking, cleaning, taking care of little kids.
I work part time, he works full time.

we share the outdoor chores and our son does his share (he's only 10) son does the dishes now and then.

Hubby splits the fire wood, I cut it up if its too long.
I have to brag on my husband! He works three jobs (all different fire depts.) and still comes home and lends a hand where needed. He's a super duper dish washer, a vacuum-a-holic, and will fold a load of clothes if it's laying there and I haven't had a chance to get to it. He's completely wonderful!

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