I bring you AMY!

My digital camera was acting up and would only take videos. So I took a couple! I took


This is how she passed out after playing fetch for over an hour! She is using the potty pads like a champ!


I'm not having much luck here today with technology!! It seems all the pictures I thought I had taken are not there! I'm glad I have some videos though!
Please excuse my house! We are currently remodeling the house so everything is off and miss placed!

Sonar has two patches on her back that cut off right down her back! I just love have it's so straight like someone took an easier to her spots!

Sonar's first meet and great with Nova and Koda! Koda didn't want to take any part in it! He was glued to my side! Nova seems to love her and wants to rough house! I let them out together and Nova and Sonar were best bud's! Koda just ran away from her!

Sonar's name is Amy to my Husband! He refuses to call her anything else. She comes when you call her Amy too. My husband seems to think she prefers it more.
My son just loves her! He lays on the floor to let her lick his face. He loves that she plays fetch and tug of war!

She has been doing so well with going on the potty pad.
She already knows sit, lay down, paw, and come.
I'm currently training her to sit pretty! So far she is catching onto it quickly!

Sonar's first training season!

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