I cant believe its been a year!!

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the older I get the more I realise I know nothing. When I was 17 I knew EVERYTHING! lol

happy birthday, motherof5boys1girl!
thank you!
i am trying to figure out what kind of cake im baking for myself..its going to have sprinkles and cream cheese frosting, thats for sure.
oh yes...i had that realization early that if i dump the sprinkles in the batter, that is what i will end up with.
my feet..they are so swollen today! i am so done with being pregnant..this kid cant get any lower or he will be yanking himself out i think!
the kids have a new form of entertainment though...watching my stomach wobble around when the baby gets bored and starts bouncing around!
Happy Birthday motherof5boys1girl!!

I'm just starting to get swelling in my hands and feet and I'm already tired of it! Last night one of the babies kicked me so low I told DH he better check to make sure a foot wasn't hanging out!

I love watching the babies move at night. I sit with my shirt up and just stare. My kids and DH are over it. They try to ignore me when I tell them to watch.

I had a doctors appointment today and it went good except when I tried to get on the scale. I didn't fit!! lol I did gain 11lbs in a month!! I was shocked. I knew I had gotten bigger but not that big. Then my dr measured me and I'm measuring 11 weeks ahead! There must be something with the number 11 today.
I had no idea this thread was here! I'm due mid July with baby girl #2...I get to be preggo for another hot Texas summer! My DD#1 was born early August and it was 113 the day we brought her home!

LOVE the baby room a few pages back! Can't wait to get to know everyone
Same here. No one wants to put their hands on my belly anymore either. However, the other day I had the remote resting on my belly and he started moving. I told DH and the kids to look and they were amused by that... for about 5 seconds.
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