I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Before anyone jumps and tells me how well cats keep mice populations down, I will say that coons and free range/outdoor cats are on the same playing field. They are incredibly destructive and efficient predators that I will kill on site at all times. I appreciate and place my native wild bird populations far ahead of any cat that is allowed to roam freely. Great job on the coons keirys!! Keep it up!

I have 4 stray cats living in my backyard they pee all over yuck!!!! I have no clue how to catch them.
GREAT JOB keirys!! I too live near the city and would be afraid I'd catch our "mouser" cat (which fortunately leaves the chickens alone) or a neighbor's cat. I'm using a live trap with large marshmallows. So far I've only set it twice, and caught one the second night. I need to keep it set... but am afraid the stupid ants around here would eat the marshmallows before the raccoon gets to them. :) If we all work together, we can slowly diminsh those nasty buggers. (yes, darnit, they are kinda cute, but I've seen their work, so they must DIE in my opinion.) I agree with tossing them out for food to the other animals out there. (I had to have my father in law shoot the one I caught... no remorse) -

Havent caught anything for the past 2 days, but now I can let the chickens out & free range. Which I haven't been able to do since we were seeing coons at all hours of the day.
I killed 2 raccoons the other day. Luckily I didn't lose any birds and I have beefed up the security for them. Fingers crossed that I don't lose any to those little (insert your favorite word for them here).
Oh, I do not disagree Quigley.... at all. There is a feral cat in the area that I have kept a close eye on... my "problem" is the "mouser" cat we have... came with the property, previous owner asked if we'd take the cat on.. my daughter fell in love with her. She's a great cat... but yes, she's tough on those mice and birds and lizards... I told my daughter that if the cat goes after the chickens, it's "see ya later kitty"... fortunately, that hasn't happened. (I"m glad we don't live near you, as I can't promise she woudln't venture into someone else's property looking for lunch - even though we feed her) I've seen the carnage cats can leave as well... and know that they are a real threat to all birds, chickens included. If I could get that cat to keep the coons, away, THEN we'd have a deal! I don't live on the property yet, so a dog isn't an option out there just yet. House should be done in a few months.... Just what I need.. another mouth to feed... (2 horses, 2 cats (1 indoor pet, other out at the property mouser), a bunny, a Golden Retriever, .... and I'm hoping to stop there...)
Haven't shot at a cat yet. One feral cat I saw about 100 yards from my young chicks this spring. Was clearly in the act of stalking them. Picked up my .22 & as soon as I opened the door, it was gone. Dogs are out now full time for the summer. No preds since. Yay! Knock on wood.
Got another one this morning shot it twice. I went out to let the chickens out the nasty thing has come back to life. Its eating its guts that spattered when I shot it
. Stupid thing....I guess its time to reload & put it out of its miser ugh

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