I got run over by grandma!

Not around here they don't. My sister used to work at a Walmart and the cameras didn't even work!

Just a few weeks ago I was standing in line and watched a guy stash several DVDs in the back of his pants and pulled his coat down over them. I told the cashier and the buzzer went off as he went out the door- said they couldn't do anything about it- because they don't have any rights when it comes down to that. If there is a skirmish in the store or the parking lot city deputies are called in. I can't think of any place of business that has security guards in our local towns.

Not around here they don't. My sister used to work at a Walmart and the cameras didn't even work!

Just a few weeks ago I was standing in line and watched a guy stash several DVDs in the back of his pants and pulled his coat down over them. I told the cashier and the buzzer went off as he went out the door- said they couldn't do anything about it- because they don't have any rights when it comes down to that. If there is a skirmish in the store or the parking lot city deputies are called in. I can't think of any place of business that has security guards in our local towns.

Kinda sounds like your local town could USE a few guards in the stores though... just sayin'
To be honest, I frequently want to use my cart as a battering ram when I go shopping. It's either 1) the lady with the extremely expansive posterior standing next to her cart who is effectively blocking both directions in the aisle, studying the ingredients of similar products, as if her life depended on it, ignoring everyone waiting to get past, 2) people who think grocery shopping trips are the biggest social event of the week and need to stop and talk to everyone and are oblivious to all the other shoppers who consider grocery shopping a chore and just want to get it done.
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Not around here they don't. My sister used to work at a Walmart and the cameras didn't even work!

Just a few weeks ago I was standing in line and watched a guy stash several DVDs in the back of his pants and pulled his coat down over them. I told the cashier and the buzzer went off as he went out the door- said they couldn't do anything about it- because they don't have any rights when it comes down to that. If there is a skirmish in the store or the parking lot city deputies are called in. I can't think of any place of business that has security guards in our local towns.

Wow... I've never seen a Walmart that DIDN'T have security guards in it!

My oldest son is a mall security guard, has been patrolling the same mall and area of town for 6 years now.

This reminds me of the part of that Christmas movie (I cannot remember the name) Tim Allen was in and they were preparing for their daughter to arrive for Christmas. His wife went to the store (last minute) and there was only one ham left. So she chased an older lady to the ham.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :


This reminds me of the part of that Christmas movie (I cannot remember the name) Tim Allen was in and they were preparing for their daughter to arrive for Christmas. His wife went to the store (last minute) and there was only one ham left. So she chased an older lady to the ham.

Christmas with the Kranks, pretty good movie

God bless,
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Christmas with the Kranks, pretty good movie

God bless,

Yep! Thats the movie! It would have bothered me all day if you hadn't posted that. Thank you.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :

Christmas with the Kranks, pretty good movie

God bless,

Yep! Thats the movie! It would have bothered me all day if you hadn't posted that. Thank you.​


God bless,

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