I love my Sulmtalers. <3


Sep 20, 2016
Hello hello!
I just had to create a thread to show off how gorgeous these birds are. We received ours just over a week ago from RBA, and I wanted to share some of the pictures we've snagged of them during their quarantine time in our guest bed-room. :) We also have six little fluffies we'll be sharing pictures of from GFF, they are just the best. Even as chicks, they are super docile and sweet (although, the Wheaten cockerel was NOT featuring the photos today, first time I had ever seen him raise his neck feathers in agitation), and they just tower over the EEs we have.
When I got back into poultry, I told myself I'd find myself a dual purpose breed that was exotic looking AND had good temperment, if they continue along with this current growth rate and temperment, I'd say I found my breed. <3

Here's our Wheaten Pair, they're currently living in an XXL dog kennel (We don't want to risk bringing any bugs to others' birds) before they go off to live at our high school's FFA department until they go to show, then back home to Jacksonville. <3

More pics to come! I didn't wanna over-load this post.
They're gorgeous! At the moment I've only got 1 Bantam Wheaten Pullet, but I'd love to get a few more.

Jealous! They're relatively rare(ish) here in the US and not standardized yet, so it's hard to find breeders who have stock that doesn't already come from the place we bought from. :C

I'm very in love with them though, the wheaten pullet has been an absolute joy to have so far. :) Can't wait for them to have yard time so I can see how they act once given some lee-way with space LOL.
Jealous! They're relatively rare(ish) here in the US and not standardized yet, so it's hard to find breeders who have stock that doesn't already come from the place we bought from. :C 

I'm very in love with them though, the wheaten pullet has been an absolute joy to have so far. :) Can't wait for them to have yard time so I can see how they act once given some lee-way with space LOL. 

I love how handsome the cockerels are :) The breeder that I bought her from had just imported them from Europe and my pullet was from one of her first hatches. I went to buy a Silkie, but ended falling in love with Sulmtalers and bringing one home.

They were pretty much unheard of in the UK when I first got her but they are becoming quite popular now.
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I love how handsome the cockerels are
The breeder that I bought her from had just imported them from Europe and my pullet was from one of her first hatches. I went to buy a Silkie, but ended falling in love with Sulmtalers and bringing one home.

They were pretty much unheard of in the UK when I first got her but they are becoming quite popular now.
Really?? I thought for sure since they had a UK standard they'd have a bigger following. Looks like the breed as a whole needs some much deserved attention.

I'm hoping that if I over-saturate the website enough with pictures, I can get people to buy chicks, and eventually increase awareness for the breed (A long shot, since they don't have a lot of the "fad" traits that are driving people crazy in the US.)

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