I need help for possibly assisting an egg hatching!


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
I need help because one of my eggs as started zipping, but it has stopped and an hour and a half as already gone by. I looked inside the egg (through the incubator) with a flash light and noticed a sticky air cell. I might need to assist it, but I've never done this before. Here's a picture.

Any clues on what I should do? Wait, help or what? It looks like its struggling to, I can see the beak and its breathing heavily. Help please. :confused:
I need help because one of my eggs as started zipping, but it has stopped and an hour and a half as already gone by. I looked inside the egg (through the incubator) with a flash light and noticed a sticky air cell. I might need to assist it, but I've never done this before. Here's a picture.

Any clues on what I should do? Wait, help or what? It looks like its struggling to, I can see the beak and its breathing heavily. Help please.
OK can you tell me where he is right now?? Did he make it out?? How long has it been? Where is your humidity at??
It made it out just fine. Shortly after I posted it started zipping again, and is now in the brooder with the other chick doing great! Thanks for asking though. ;) Here it is. I vent sexed both chicks and I'm pretty positive this ones a girl and the others a boy.


We named this one penny. Guess she was just a slow hatcher. ;)

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