I need your help

Dustin Biery

12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Mulberry, Arkansas
Guys, I am trying to finish up my bachelors degree. In order to complete this task, I have to compile a capstone project. For this project I will be focusing on the Society for Preservation of Poultry Antiquities (SPPA) and the American Livestock Breed Conservancy's list of breeds that are in a critical state. Please take a look at both of the following links and give me your thoughts as to which breed you would want to see removed from that list first and why. Any and all information that is shared here will be used as cited reseach for my project. Thank you for your help. If anyone has any questions or needs further explaination, please dont hesitate to PM or email me.


They are awsome chickens! So beautiful and with the quirkiest personalities. Mine were so inquisitive, outgoing, and friendly with people. They were also excellent egglayers, although the eggs were smallish and white. I think that works against them. But for entertainment value, they can't be beat!

I just love mine. Unlike the Polish, my houdan seem to be great layers. They are calm, though not friendly but not aggressive in any way. I would love to see more people working with the breed to bring it back to the size and standard that they should be.
i dont really understand either, the only reason a breed should be removed from that list is if it has made a comeback and no longer has low enough #s to be considered endangered.
SPPA has Beltsville and Midget White as one breed, and they say Sweetgrass was devleoped in the last century, but there is artwork showing them as early as the 1500's.
I quit reading after that.

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