I really don't know...do you?


10 Years
Oct 16, 2009
Age 17 weeks.
Parents...well (s)he's a mutt really....dad's a Brahma....probably Red Pyle.
Mum...a Warren (RIR X Light Sussex).......so I know (s)he is far from pure breed!
(S)he was and still is slightly larger than her/his Brahma hatchmates, but they are catching up.
Facial furniture seemed fairly bigger and redder compared to the Brahmas as a 6 week old, so I thought male. However, the wattles and comb remain pretty small, and haven't really grown much.
I thought 'saddle feathers', but they haven't changed a lot since the early weeks.
No attempts at crowing (or at egg laying).
Whatever s(he) I like him/her and am going to keep him/her, but I'd like the opinion of someone who may be a bit more familiar with these unconventional crosses. Does s(he) scream pullet or roo to anybody?
Those who don't like cross breeds should like away now!! Personally I love the odd mix who does not mature like a pure breed and keeps me guessing.



Thanks for looking (and hope the sight of a mutt didn't make your eyes water)


Having looked at the pics, the wattles and comb appear redder than the photos.
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I vote girl and a very pretty one at that! I love her colouring.

And yes, I have crossed my brahmas with all sorts too, I love seeing what comes out of the mix.
I'm glad folk think I've got a pullet, because I was just trying to think of what excuse I had for keeping yet another rooster.

I think she's pretty and her nature is very nice....not skittish, never aggressive, so I am sure she will be an asset to my flock.

I'm glad she will be contributing to breakfast rather than the morning chorus! (Not that I mind crowing, but eggs are a better deal)

Thank you for your replies,


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