I'm gonna be RICH!

I'm not sure what is covered by "Total cost". Coop, chickens etc. etc.

What is "107 to date?"

I have approx 30 hens. plus 12 that aren't laying, but I get average 16 per day now. Times 7 that's days is 112 per week. That's 9.3 doz X $2.25 per doz. = $21.00 per week or $84 per month.

I haven't figure exact feed but don't think it's more than 50# a week. I'll have to check, but that's 300#s of feed. $84.00 / $14 per 50#s. Not including scratch and bread. The bread I buy for $1.25 a bag or get it free from school. I grow greens and I didn't inclue ACV or Cod Liver oil or vitamins.

I didn't include labor cuz I like what I do. It gives me pleasure to keep chickens. What price should I put on that?

Have you hugged your chickens today,

can you pm me the way to make that chart. It's totaly awesome! I don't really count my coop in the cost because my grandmother donated the funds for my newest hobby! She's totally into the sustainable living and thought she would help me afford to start up my flock!
Well, at the risk of sounding like a fruitcake....

...when this world's economy goes belly up and you can't buy food at any price, your eggs will be like gold to barter with.

Plus all the bad PR of commercial egg factories. The brew ha ha about Mac D's old egg provider doesn't hurt. I just wish it would have been in the news longer. You can bet the poultry industry had something to do with it. I saw the video on U tube it was awful gave me nightmares.
I was just presented with my first green egg from one of my 9 EE hens today so this question is definitely for future reference. I'm thinking Easter. How long can eggs be kept and still be considered fresh enough to sell as "Farm Fresh"?

BTW That first egg has a price tag of about $155.00. $30.00 for 10 cluckers + 5 months of feed and hardware to convert an outbldg into "Coop La Grande" Oops! forgot $38.00 for barn paint. Price just went up
total cost includes every cost incurred so far. coop construction, chicken costs, equipment, etc.

What is "107 to date?"

for that chart it is total eggs collected so far

I have approx 30 hens. plus 12 that aren't laying, but I get average 16 per day now. Times 7 that's days is 112 per week. That's 9.3 doz X $2.25 per doz. = $21.00 per week or $84 per month.

I haven't figure exact feed but don't think it's more than 50# a week. I'll have to check, but that's 300#s of feed. $84.00 / $14 per 50#s. Not including scratch and bread. The bread I buy for $1.25 a bag or get it free from school. I grow greens and I didn't inclue ACV or Cod Liver oil or vitamins.

figuring out feed costs was one of the main reasons for starting this spreadsheet. Once I figured out how many quarts were in each of my bags I can extrapolate how much feed I'm going through on a monthly basis. With only 12 hens my feed usage is approximately 4 bags per month.

I didn't include labor cuz I like what I do. It gives me pleasure to keep chickens. What price should I put on that?

I'm keeping (sort of anyway) track of my time just because I wanted to expand the spreadsheet. I was having fun making it

Have you hugged your chickens today,

Nope, while cute I don't hug them. I'm keeping them for eggs and meat. I don't want to get cuddly with them. I do spend a fair amount of time watching them however. They are very fascinating creatures.​
S.L.Swope :

can you pm me the way to make that chart. It's totaly awesome! I don't really count my coop in the cost because my grandmother donated the funds for my newest hobby! She's totally into the sustainable living and thought she would help me afford to start up my flock!

I have it on google docs. pm me your email address and I'll get you a copy.​

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