Impacted vent


Jul 20, 2022
Our hen seems to have an impacted vent. I was able to remove some with my fingers. But not all. I am going to give her a warm bath and apply some vitamin e oil to her vent. The stuff in her vent was hard… any ideas what it may be?!
Soak it in warm Epsom salts plus Dawn, if you have it. Dawn has surfactants that can dissolve it much faster than others.

Do not pull the plug out, though. This could be scabby, necrotic tissue from a pecking wound, and we need to determine that before you go further. Pay attention while soaking, if there looks to be any raw, ulceration, bleeding, etc.
Update: I gave her a warm bath and added oil to her vent. She has been pooping. Her stool had some gushy blood. Although, she only passed about a teaspoon, which seems like a positive sign. I added some antibiotics to her water.
Blood in the stool may be from bacteria in the intestines or it can be from ruptured tumors in the reproductive tract. If it's the former, antibiotics should make her feel better.
Update: Her poop is back to normal now, but her vent is still swollen. We have her on antibiotics still. But I noticed something seems wrong with her legs… She is inside the house so we can watch her. Sometimes she manages to trip then not be able to get up. One foot ends up pointing backwards. It is kinda like she is doing the splits. Any ideas?!
I would first give her some water with electrolytes and extra sugar to drink today. The start her on B-complex. If this is a vitamin B deficiency, it can help restore strength to the legs.
I would first give her some water with electrolytes and extra sugar to drink today. The start her on B-complex. If this is a vitamin B deficiency, it can help restore strength to the legs.
We are going to get some this morning. Her poop is now really watery and almost clear. I noticed she is walking really low to the ground. And her toes curl that is how she trips every once in a while.

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