Incorrect breed labelling - What's the worst you've seen?


Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
As the title says, what is the most ridiculous incorrect breed labelling you have come across in stores, online, etc?
Or perhaps the breed was correct but the sexing was not, or there were sex links sold straight run.

At my local TSC I have run into a few funny instances.
1) BR sold straight run (super easy to sex)
2) "Cinnamon Queens" labelled on a bin of black chicks.

And of course, the infamous EE labelled "Ameraucana"

As the title says, what is the most ridiculous incorrect breed labelling you have come across in stores, online, etc?
Or perhaps the breed was correct but the sexing was not, or there were sex links sold straight run.

At my local TSC I have run into a few funny instances.
1) BR sold straight run (super easy to sex)
2) "Cinnamon Queens" labelled on a bin of black chicks.

And of course, the infamous EE labelled "Ameraucana"

i am geting a cinnamon queen

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