Incubators Anonymous

Yeah, that's the plan. Unless, do you think starting low is the right move? Or would starting higher be better?

I think starting low is better, but then, I always incubate with low humidity lol.

Lockdown for me today! Most of the serama eggs I've been setting have quit on me about halfway through but I'm not giving up. There's only 1 egg locking down so this little chick will be spoiled rotten, if it hatches, until it gets a playmate. Hopefully, the playmate will be the one due to hatch next week (unless that one quits too). People weren't kidding! Seramas ARE tough to hatch! It doesn't help that I have no clue how old the one hen that's been laying is and the other one is a newly laying pullet lol.
I’m addicted. I admit it. My first hatch was three weeks ago and I already have another full one in the Bator. I am hatching chicks for other people.... I just can’t brood more than two hatches at once.. yikes! Is there a self help group yet?
Ugh! I'm losing it. Trying soooo hard not to set any eggs, because I'm going to be moving at the end of the year and don't want to have a bunch of babies that need to be housed separately, but it's soooooo hard!!! I finally have at least a pair of the 4 breeds I want to work with the most (BW/W/SW Ameraucanas, Speckled Sussex, Black Copper Marans, and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes), and they just started laying (still waiting on a few), and I'm finding it very difficult to restrain myself. I may or may not have a secret stash of eggs in my bedroom that I've been turning in anticipation of maybe, accidentally, setting some. I'm trying not to give in to my hatching urges, but I can't stop looking at pictures of chicks online... I think I might have chick fever. Any suggestions to help me avoid setting eggs?

Do not put much stock in hatch rates this time of year...

This is the hardest time of the year to get a good hatch. Decreasing sunlight, means less fertility from the boys. Even artificial light has a hard time compensating for it. The colder weather, Being cooped up and less outdoor time all add to the problems of hatching. If you are in the north like I am the eggs cool to the point they die or freeze. It is just ugly this time of year.

I am on artificial lights on my birds and have stopped hatching for a few weeks. I will gather and set eggs in a few weeks. I like to have my first hatches around January 7th.

I run my incubators higher than Aurora does, I run around 40%. We use the same make and model incubators, it simply becomes what works best for you. We all have different ambient humidity and temps. While it is a science, it is also an art, to get successful hatches.

I find disinfecting the eggs a must, some do not. Of course, I am right and they are wrong......Being a humble modest genius I can think of no other answers...So good luck,,,

i set dirty poopy eggs and still get hatches
Yeah, that's the plan. Unless, do you think starting low is the right move? Or would starting higher be better?

Been a busy few days for me. Yes i do think starting low and watching air cells is the way to go. If the air cells grow too fast, you can always increase humidity (gradually). Getting them to speed up if they are too small is much more difficult!

I think starting low is better, but then, I always incubate with low humidity lol.

Lockdown for me today! Most of the serama eggs I've been setting have quit on me about halfway through but I'm not giving up. There's only 1 egg locking down so this little chick will be spoiled rotten, if it hatches, until it gets a playmate. Hopefully, the playmate will be the one due to hatch next week (unless that one quits too). People weren't kidding! Seramas ARE tough to hatch! It doesn't help that I have no clue how old the one hen that's been laying is and the other one is a newly laying pullet lol.

So....did the little singlet make it?? :fl

I don't wash/sanitize eggs, have hatched plenty of slightly dirty ones. I have wiped excess dirt, even totally washed a few that I really wanted. I don't find much difference, but i wouldn't set totally nasty ones, for sure. Ducks are the worst at laying eggs in the muck! Lol
I like making incubators, the above pic is my latest, day 4 on the pics. Dad to all eggs is a Blue Isbar, tan eggs are from a blue cochin/LO smooth legged hen, green from another BI, and the white was a leghorn.

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