Indian Runners or Chickens?

What happened to your flock?

Personally I prefer chickens, but I just think the runners are ugly looking
Not sure can’t get a necropsy due to covid.
I think they’re neat looking, but then again I find Turkens to be good looking so...
I have 7 runners and I love them! One of them makes a nest every day and the rest lay their eggs in it. They do not roost. Another cool thing is that they will usually lay all their eggs in the early morning so when you go to let them out you will be able to get all their eggs. Occasionally they will lay some eggs later in the day.
I’ve read about them laying in the morning more than once. That would help with egg hunts but I don’t think the kids would hunting too much.
I will have to lock mine up, we have owls around that nest nearby. Can you coop train them so to speak? To go in at night I mean.
Mine free-range and I feed them at night. After about 4 days mine would go to their coop when it got dark I just had to go out there and feed them and close them up. Maybe feeding them at night helps a little with it I don't know.
Personally I would go with chickens, but I have never had ducks. There seems to be so much more variety in chickens in personality, coloring, egg color, size, etc. I would love to own ducks but I think that I would prioritize chickens.
Personally I would go with chickens, but I have never had ducks. There seems to be so much more variety in chickens in personality, coloring, egg color, size, etc. I would love to own ducks but I think that I would prioritize chickens.
I never thought I would want ducks but mine came with our farm. I was surprised by how much I prefer them
So you don’t think they’re harder to take care of?
Ok people say ducks stink because people like to keep them like chickens and when you do that they do stink. The hardest thing about owning ducks I’d say is that they just need a lot of room not to stink we have like 3 acres and my ducks free range until night then I chased them in. On the drake idea I’d probably just get one they help protect female mainly by watching the sky. Whenever my males see anything in the sky they all start quacking and they run into there house
I had ducks years ago, and they always laid their eggs in the creek! I had to scoop them out with an apple picker on a long pole. I really knew diddly squat about ducks at that time though. They had a coop but never laid in it. I thought the eggs fried just the same, but I always fry low and slow to keep a tender white.

Sorry you're without a flock! I'd be anxious for new birds too. I was considering adding three Cayuga ducks to my flock in the spring, but haven't decided how I should handle the housing situation since they'd be sharing a run with my growing flock of 17 chickens.
:gig I can picture that! Thank you, it does feel weird not having to get out there and take care of animals. I will brood whatever I get outside and so if I get ducks hopefully they’ll know the coop is home. We’ll modify a little bit but I already have a pool and everything so I think we’re ready whatever I decide.
I imagine housing chickens and ducks together could be a challenge depending on space. Are you wanting to house them together or separately?
Initially I wanted them together, but after some reading, I realize ducks are pretty rambunctious at night where chickens just want to sleep. I was playing with the idea of building a small coop on the ground, maybe 4x4, that is inside of the chicken run and usher the ducks in there at night so the chickens have their coop. Predators are such an enormous problem, and the chicken run is the safest space. I only wanted 2-3 ducks max so I have reluctant to consider another run just for them. I’d have to have them in a run though. The other thing is I would free range during the day when I’m home on the weekends, and I have no idea how hard it would be to get the ducks back into the run!

I saw it looked like you lost your flock to illness? You had the funky naked necks right? I’m so sorry you lost them :(
Yeah, lol, the naked necks. I think it may have been Mycoplasma brought by pigeons but can’t be sure because can’t get a necropsy right now. I may have chickens again at some point but steering clear for now.
I have a yard they can free range in during the afternoon and on weekends. I’m planning to let them know I’m the treat lady though. Hopefully that’ll help with getting them in at night. Worst case is we’ll catch them after dark I suppose.
Well keep us up to date! I am nervous about getting ducks, but then again I was nervous about getting my first chickens too and it all worked out. Mostly.
I understand! I’m a little nervous too but I have some eggs in my basket to buy and try hatching so might just give it a go, just can’t quite give it that push yet.

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