Interior Coop Pics

I just spent the better part of my day going through this thread and it has been time well spent. Thank you everyone for tsaking the time to post your pics. They have been more helpful than anything I could imagine. I agree this post should be sticky. It would probably answer most newbie questions.

When I build mine this spring, I'm going to be stealing a lot of ideas! I promise to share! Y'all are awesome!
Bump for more interior pictures, Mine needs's 8x4, and kinda complicated to revamp for my silkies who prefer the ground. ... But free so I'm not complaning
One of the Mods said if we want this thread sticky we have to red flag it and put in the request. The more requests they get, the more likely they are to sticky it.
Thanks everyone for sharing. I have so any new ideas for my coop that I'm planning. I have a coop that I built last summer, but of course with chicken math, it has become smaller than planned. I can't wait to get outside to start.
beautiful coop!! I am having spring fever myself can't wait to get started on our rebuild of my Dutch Barn, (storm sandy smashed it:()chickens will have a bigger area 12 x 8+, an 8 ft roost/poopboard/nesting area combo, two huge 32 x 47 windows and lots of other ideas I have floating around..The barn will be the original size of 12 x 20...come on warm weather:)
I also have Spring fever, I plan on building a seperate coop for my cochins, with breeding pens attached. Anyone have anything similar?
Something like this?

There are 4 small 4ft x 6ft (aprox) runs, and two 12ft x 12ft runs. The building is an insulated trailer, it's 8ft x 48 ft. I have Guineas, ducks, and chickens in it now, but will be converting it over for my Call ducks. : )

~ Aspen

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