Is it normal?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
Montrose, CO
I live in Western Colorado and we just had a snow storm move in last week. The hens have not laid a single egg for a week now! They are all white rock hens. Is it normal for them to stop laying during the winter?
!!! Yes it's very normal.
depends on how much protein and light and the weather. it takes a lot of energy to keep alive at the temps that have already been this winter which it isn/t winter yet technically. you will probably get a few here and there but they will def not start laying good til late winter early spring when the days get longer and milder
I'm mixxing Calf Manna in with the chicken's regular feed. I read that it helps chickens start laying and I'm delighted with the results. Since I started 3 weeks ago I've gone from 2 eggs a day (with 16 hens!) to 8 or 9 per day! You can also add an artificial light source on a timer inside their coop to extend the "daylight" hours.

Sometimes, even with extra light, production will temporarily stop with a sudden weather change. If you have the 14 hours of light in the coop, they'll start up again soon.

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