Is it really a NY state law???

I don't live in NY but if I read the law right you also have to buy at least 6 rabbits also. You can't just buy one. Ok that's just crazy IMHO.
Our feed stores required a minimum of 25 if ordering; TSC had a minumum sale of 5 chicks. According to the feed store they are bound by law to require the orders to be a minimum of 25 and they choose to sell them in that quantities to keep people from just getting one or two for Easter chicks.

Based on what I'm reading, a lot of states seem to have this rule.
NJ has the same law as our farm store also req. a min of 6. Thank God it's six...if it were 12 we'd be in huge trouble.....beings how I like to get different breeds....

Tho they'd let me stay all day if I wanted, to pick out my own chicks.
When they get straight runs, I do everything I can or know how to do to try "guessing" if it's a boy or a girl......This takes a while since I don't know what I'm doing!!!
They still don't care and just laugh at me trying to guess. O.k. so we get to play with all the lil chickies...
The kids love it!!!
I never knew there were such laws. You might try poultry swap meets or auctions to buy chicks/chickens at. Might be able to buy the amount you want. They should of made the law have at least 3 chicks instead of 6.
There are plenty of unnessciary laws. I've read different articles online about a law made back when motorcycles were first being made. The law states, "That should a motor driven vehicle encounter a horse drawn carriage and spook the horse, the operator of said vehicle had to disassemble it to the point that the horse was no longer shy of it, allow the horse to proceed some yards past, and only then could he reassembly the vehicle."
Very interesting... I used to raise rabbits, and never had any available around Easter. I could have sold a lot in that time frame, but I didn't feel that it would be in the bunnies best interest.

The city closest to me actually has an ordinance banning rabbits within city limits. I called to inquire why and was told that 'if they allowed rabbits, then somebody would want something else and soon they would have all kinds of different animals in the city.' Ummm.... right. Maybe they should also have an ordinance about what kind of car you can have, too? If they don't, they'll end up with all kinds of cars there! But ferrets are allowed...
Thank God most of Oregon lets us do whatever we want. Portland has a ruling of no more than 3 chickens per home in the city, but nowhere do they say you have to buy a minimum of poultry or rabbits. I really think that it is more irresponsible to force people to buy more than they can use or need.
Well...most laws are stupid and start out as "well meaning".
I agree with another post that it is probably to prevent "Easter" purchases or even purchases for sacrifices. Who knows. But again, like most laws...they are made by someone who is over zealous.

In my town I'm only allowed to have as many chickens as people who live in my home. Wouldn't it be ironic if the feed store makes me purchase more than I'm allowed to legally have? Now THAT would be a pickle.

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