Is the bus coop worth a shot?


9 Years
Nov 20, 2010
South Ga
I have a great chicken coop but now it's not big enough. Surprise! Doesn't this happen to most of us?! We have this old bus on my husband's grandfather's land, and I'm thinking we might try it out! It was my husband's idea, and it might just have potential... what do y'all think?

Clean it out real good, ventilate, laying boxes in the seats, roosts in the back where I can clean by sweeping everything out the back door....

It requires vision. Am I crazy to think this might work? Thoughts?


Funny you should post this now. This evening I googled chicken coops and someone used the back of an old delivery truck or something similiar to that for an adorable coop. Had big old fenders? around the wheels (hard to believe I'm the daughter of a mechanic! and easy to see I'm not a car person) It was just the back half of a vechile (with the tires still on it), painted an off white with pretty brown trim and was adorable. Great way to recycle! Think I might remove most of the seat though if I were going to convert the bus. If you decide to go for it I'd love to see the pics when it's done.
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oh, that's funny, we were JUST talking about something like this over dinner. I say go for it, why not? Depending on how many chickens you have, I'd section off parts of it so you have a storage side and a chicken side.

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