Is the "skunk" coop smell normal?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2018
Hi! New to the group and to chickens. My daughter got some full grown chickens from a friend who has a farm and she also has a chick. We had chickens a couple years ago and I don't remember this being the case then, but their coop is such an odd, gross smell. I know it obviously won't smell good but she cleans it about every day after school and when she comes in she has had to immediately take her clothes off, and shower due to her smelling from the coop. It's not that bad every day but it's strong. Is this normal? Are they maybe getting used to the new food and environment? Thanks in advance for any help! If it's normal we can live with it, I would just like to know.
If it smells skunky, I'm guessing you have a skunk living under the coop. Well managed chickens should not stink. You might try switching to fermented feed. There is a FAQ how and why article related to FF in my signature. If their previous care was sub optimum, that may be the cause of the issue.

What are you feeding them, and what is the mill date of the feed?
What size is this coop and what do you use as bedding in it?
No a skunk smell is not normal.
An other consideration: You may have a rodent infestation. I can smell a mouse or rat from 10 feet away.

That's definitely something to look into more. Thank you!! I think before we moved the chickens in Kylee and her dad did a full clean, but I will definitely mention it to her and we will check any and all nooks and crannies! I hadn't even thought of that. Thank you!
Hate the smell of mouse or rat, once you smell it, it's very distinctive. We had a travel trailer that we stored on 5 acre property that was otherwise pretty bare land and the mice got in it and made nests in the closet and in the cupboard.

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