is this ridiculous, or am I expecting too much? long RANT!

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remember... common sense is not really that common after all

My son is Wiccan, I hear all the "stories" about devil worship and its the dark religion... bla bla bla...

some people think that ignorance is bliss.... well imo ignorance leads to misunderstanding and intolerance..

Just because I am Canadian does not mean I say eh! all the time, or live in an igloo, or have snow 10 months of the year (these were questions and statements made to me the last time i went to a few southern states)
Being a bit older than most on here, your post made me think about how Americans reacted after Pearl Harbor. We forced everyone of Japanese descent into camps and stole everything they owned and THEN had the gall to think that somehow was different than what the Nazis did, forcing people into concentration camps while they stole everything those prisoners owned. At least we didn't murder our prisoners. But it shows how easily mass hysteria can take hold in a country.

I am truly sorry for the poor treatment you are receiving. Being gay, I know a thing or two about how unbelievably hurtful people can be. I wish I could honestly tell you that it will stop. What I can say is that I respect your courage in keeping your own beliefs against a tide of hurtfulness. You are a very brave person and, as an old Marine, I respect and honor courage wherever I find it!

Hang tough!

it isn't all stupidity on people's part. some people truly don't know and would like answers. the media also has pursuaded the plight of women in other countries as barbaric etc. so people are interested.

but like another person said, there is an etiquiette on asking personal questions. people are bolder and just come out and ask inappropriately or at the wrong time and place.

it is never nice to be singled out, but when you where traditional garb that is different, it may become interesting to someone else and out will pop come questions. people are weary of what they don't understand.

sorry you have to bear thru the mess of questions.
I am going to respectfully disagree with you. I think that it is important to know everything that went into the making of a killer so that we can prevent future violent acts. There is a big difference between a person who follows their belief system strictly and someone who takes it to such a crazy extreme that they aren't really following their own faith. I say this not only about the Ft. Hood shooter but followers of any belief system.
I think babylady's point is that this attention to the person's faith is not applied evenly.

American's tend to see christianity as a complex religion with many different permutations (Catholic, Methodist, Pentacostal etc...) But they think of Islam as being one religion with everyone practicing it exactly the same way. It is no more true of Islam than it is Christianity.

One of my students who covers got spit on the day after Ft. Hood. Like she had anything to do with that man's mental break down.

I know it is hard, but remember arabbookworm that many people who ask are simply curious. My friends who cover recognize that it is a statement of faith that draws attention to you purposefully as a symbol.... It is hard for some to recognize that to cover is both a responsibility and a very freeing thing, more than a symbol of oppression. I disagree strongly with many things that are done in the name of Islam, but I disagree strongly with many of the things that are done in the name of Christianity too.

My family is Pagan and my children have been bullied and harassed at school. My daughters have been taught to answer questions as honestly as they can and try to remember that stupidity is a condition of birth ignorance is a condition of choice.
Thank you IHWIMY; that is exactly my point. If they are going to do that with one criminal event, they better do it with EVERY criminal event. Give the Name, Race, and Religion; because THAT has everything to do with the events that have taken place. If the beliefs of the individual have a significant impact in the events, it should be noted later on in the story; NOT the first thing out of the reporter's mouth! This kind of reporting just fuels the fire for ignorant people to treat people of different religions or ethnicities poorly. It is a sad chapter of our country's history and we need to put an end to it....

Sorry OP, did not mean to get off track here. Personally I would LOVE to sit and chat with you about your beliefs since the majority of the individuals here are of Christian faiths.... it would be a great learning experience!
I'm sorry that you are offended that people ask you questions. I dont think asking you questions is a BAD thing..its a good thing, i see it as people wanting to learn about another culture..
I , myself, would have some of the same questions, simply because i know nothing about it at ALL.
Whats wrong with people wanting to know about your religion? (arent you proud of it?..isnt that why you wear the scarf??)
Darn...were darned if we DO ask questions and we're darned if we DONT ask questions and try to learn about your culture...
What do you expect from people? If the attention bothers you then my sincere suggestion would be to stop wearing the scarf.
Sorry..i'm calling it like i see it sweetie. I mean no harm in this post..just trying to be honest with you. Please understand that..

edit to add..i am also very sorry that your mother was treated badly after 9/11.. but please dont let that make you bitter and suspicious about all americans if they just ask you questions about your culture...........just as you dont want us to judge you... Do you see how it DOES go both ways??..
again, I'm very sorry about what some jerks did to your mother..
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I just wanted to say I am sorry. I might ask you questions to quell my own curiosities but then I would expect the same from you to me. You should not be treated that way and I am ashamed you have been. I wish I could say it will get better but chances are it won't. There are ignorant people out there and cruel ones as well of every faith, denomination, race, etc. I hope for your own sake you can find a way to trust in others and see that there are those of us out there with open minds and hearts despite our own beliefs and customs. I might not understand why you believe in a certain custom but then you might not understand why I believe in my custom too. That doesn't mean we can't be friends or neighbors and respect each other and care for one another. Live and let live is my motto enjoy and make the best of the time we have tomorrow is also another day!!!!
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