Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

So drinking Moutain Dew and eating doughnuts every day for breakfast is probably bad then?
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Depends, I guess. So, if you stopped, but then tripped and fell in front of a bus 2 years later, then not doing it could be the bad thing.

That could be just over thinking it, though.

What do you think @JacinLarkwell
I know, I know ow they're the same meaning. But I just.... don't see it that way. Like a golden doodle (don't judge, it was the first one I xould think of) or a sexlink is a mix. You know (if it was bred right at least) what is in it. My dog, Sasha, is a mutt. I cam say she has some breeds in her, but like 80% of her background isn't known without getting her tested.

I know a lot of mine are mixes, but I can tell you what is in their background. You can't say the same for the EEs and mutts
To be frank, Easter Egger is just a fancy word for mutt, so the people that get scammed can feel better about themselves.
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They are all still mutts. And nothing wrong with that. You can eat them and their eggs just the same. But they have lost all the work selective breeding has done for them and the breed founders are probably rolling in their graves.
To be frank, Easter Egger is just a fancy word for mutt, so the people that get scammed can feel better about themselves.
Ariana Grande Singing GIF by The Voice

They are all still mutts. And nothing wrong with that. You can eat them and their eggs just the same. But they have lost all the work selective breeding has done for them and the breed founders are probably rolling in their graves.
That... is why I included my EEs in the mutt group

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