Janoel 12 Egg Incubator

Still only one I’m getting mad. I know I’m not supposed to open it and take him out but really? he hatched around noon and now it’s 5:30 and no one else has come out.
I hear having a chick in the incubator encourages the other chicks to hatch too. Hopefully he cheers the rest of his siblings on!
I am fine with the humidity results I am getting. It's just the HU setting figure I want ?
I was trying to decipher the directions and trying to see if I could find it in there. That wasn’t happening lol.
I've run my Janoel 12 3 times this year and every time, every egg has hatched. Here is the thing....I keep forgetting to adjust the humidity. I've added water...but since its on a different menu and I always forget the lettering I never get to it. It just stays with the default...and I'm still having super success. So I wouldn't worry about slight changes in temperature. I'm sure a hen isn't checking her sweat level to the nearest % point.

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