Janoel 12 Egg Incubator

I've run my Janoel 12 3 times this year and every time, every egg has hatched. Here is the thing....I keep forgetting to adjust the humidity. I've added water...but since its on a different menu and I always forget the lettering I never get to it. It just stays with the default...and I'm still having super success. So I wouldn't worry about slight changes in temperature. I'm sure a hen isn't checking her sweat level to the nearest % point.
I keep forgetting to adjust the humidity. I've added water...but since its on a different menu and I always forget the lettering I never get to it.
I thought HU had something to do with humidity when I first got one of these, I'm on my 3rd. There is no humidity setting or hygrometer with these units. The HU is a limit setting...of some sort I think. Years back I found a youtube video of all the settings explained in detail, not sure I remember it precisely. I do know there is no humidity control for these incubators. I added my own hygrometer thermometer...I live where I am always fighting to keep my humidity down before lockdown. Seems most folks depending where you live are try to get humidity up...
Good news! I always have a hard time at this point, strong desire to put hatched/fluffed chicks in brooder while others are in process...come to the conclusion its best to leave them in incubator even when they are crawling over other eggs than to open up to often and loose your humidity....small incubator will dry late comers up real fast if you lose to much moisture during hatch.....good luck with the rest!!
Thank you all for your help it is much appreciated. I have 12 No. Rhode Island Red bantam eggs in my Janoel 12, candled them last Sunday and all looking good and 8 days to go. Watch this space !!!
One out so far!
Still only one I’m getting mad. I know I’m not supposed to open it and take him out but really? he hatched around noon and now it’s 5:30 and no one else has come out.
Still only one I’m getting mad. I know I’m not supposed to open it and take him out but really? he hatched around noon and now it’s 5:30 and no one else has come out.
I hear having a chick in the incubator encourages the other chicks to hatch too. Hopefully he cheers the rest of his siblings on!
I hear having a chick in the incubator encourages the other chicks to hatch too. Hopefully he cheers the rest of his siblings on!
is one with a crack all the way around the middle but it’s not coming out! Just come out baby chicken!

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