Japanese Coturnix Quail Color Varieties!!!!

nice the regular ones look like african harlequins.
Had a look on Wikipedia (I know, not exactly a reliable source
) Said on it the binomial name is Coturnix chinensis and that a synonym for it is Excalfactoria chinensis. So I guess it can go by both names
They are NOT coturnix at all...

The most current book on them is a Closer Look at Button Quail by Jodi McDonald

The author, who is a dear friend of mine as well, studied these birds, went into the books and Universities in CHINA and uncovered facts we never knew about cbbq. Uneducated folks and stubborn in my opinion still refers them as coturnix sadly. BUT I would rather trust the authorities who studied them in detail.
Okay, I accept that you want to go with what your friend told you, but I never said that she was wrong, I just said that they were also known as Coturnix chinensis and I have just checked on about 15 other sites and all of them said they were either known as Coturnix chinensis OR Excalfactoria chinensis. That's all.
I don't think that's people being stubborn if they accept both names.
One argument is that if Chinese Blue Breasted quail are Coturnix then what are their only living realities? Coturnix Adansonii ? NO, Excalfactoria Adansonii Coturnix migrate to Chinese Blue Breasted Quail? Coturnix hatch in 17-18 whereas Chinese Blue Breasted hatch in 15-16 days. Coturnix pass foam when they breed. Do Chinese Blue Breasted quail? There are many differences. Their DNA is closer to a chicken than to a Coturnix. Like I have been saying in many posts, cbbq have been misunderstood for all these years.

Also this is the Japanese Quail color thread
So cbbq color questions can go to the other thread.
It would be really cool if someone could do one of these colour threads for bobwhites
Maybe several bob breeders could collaborate their photos and pool their knowledge? I found out a lot about Coturnix and Buttons colours, but bobwhites I am not really familiar with. Do other species such as valley and blue scale have colour variations? Anyone?
It sure would be neat if someone does. I know if I look up the colors I may end up with more birds on the farm
in bobwhites I only have snowflake and butlers and one pair of northerns
that is OK with me right now
Check out the "quail classification" and "diff bobs" threads bobwhite would get really complicated really quick, as far as I know bobwhite, coturnix, and Buttons are the only 3 quail species that have domestic Variations. But I got to reading this morning and there are 47 seperate SPECIES of quail and only 12 or so of those are kept by individuals. And quaillady I just had to see that you have snowflakes, now I want some of those on my order lol jk but probably if I ever get more room.

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