June 2023 Hatch-a-long

Here is the momma hen, Blob.

Oh, she is a blob, no muscle tone whatsoever.
Hey, would you mind checking out my candling pics- (pleeeaaasssee) There’s a weird blob in the aircell. I made a post in incubating and hatching this morning but it got shoved down.
Btw- I just love your thumbnail pic of Fancy Nancy—best most ever!
20 eggs hatched put of the original 24, I removed 3, waiting on 1 more-
Not sure what to do about this last one, it hasn't internally pipped yet but i see its body in the low side of the air pocket and can see breathing.
Also, mentioning again i added 5 to the original 24 that I had taken from my broody silkie, replacing them with chicks from my other hatch before this. (She's doing great!)
If you count the 5, 25 hatched. (All 5 of silkies eggs hatched.)
I had put 6 in for lockdown (due Mon.) I candled last night, and one egg looked like the egg you had (Northwoods.) I tossed it since it was a quitter, I had 5 left, but I did hear them peeping, and saw a beak in the cracked egg for internal pip. This morning one hatched. So waiting on the last 4.

Back to your egg Northwoods, if that egg was day 21,

FYI I dry hatch the first 18 days...(foam incubator)
on day 16 light should not shine through the pointed end.
on day 18 lockdown egg should look like this...

a slight slope in the air cell, and a clean dark line that separates the air cell and the chick in the egg, there may be a small black bump shadow of a chick trying to get into the air cell.

On day 18 if it looks like this...below it is almost ready for lockdown, but may take an extra day.

I would not lock this one down even if it was day 18 because there is no slope, and you can shine light in the top line. It is still alive, (veins) but it needs to absorb more fluids before you put it into lockdown with water in the trays

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