June Hatch A Long

Yeah that's a bit far for me in Vermont. I wish there were breeders up here but not many and most people have stock from hatcheries not birds that are heritage type.


He does ship his eggs I'm pretty sure. I'm fortunate that there are a lot of English Orpington breeders around here and many of them keep their lines breed standard. It seems like most of the really close breeders mostly have Buff, Lavender, and Blue/Black/Splash. I have to drive a couple hours for the really interesting colors.

He does ship his eggs I'm pretty sure. I'm fortunate that there are a lot of English Orpington breeders around here and many of them keep their lines breed standard. It seems like most of the really close breeders mostly have Buff, Lavender, and Blue/Black/Splash. I have to drive a couple hours for the really interesting colors.

We have a lot of Orpington birds up here but most are back yard birds and are kept in mixed flocks started from hatchery stock. I'm figuring if I want to go true Dual Purpose I need to start with heritage type and easier to get that through a breeder who already is close to the SOP than by just getting any old bird. Then I can go from there.
Here are the 7 fuzzies they are not sure they like me cause I keep washing their bottoms when they see me. I tried the coconut oil on their bums but they still got icky. With temps over 90 without a heat light they are getting too hot and getting super goopy poos which stick to their bottoms other than that they are happy and healthy and very friendly.
So cute!!!! Love the eyeliner baby!
I cant believe orps are so expensive over there.
Ive just had a quick look on ebay and there are several sellers within 100k of me.
Show stock buffs and creles will set you back £15.00 gbp for half a dozen eggs. Good looking examples from non show stock are as low as £5.00 gbp.
Saying that, trying to get american standard araucanas (rumpless) over here is next to impossible.
I cant believe orps are so expensive over there.
Ive just had a quick look on ebay and there are several sellers within 100k of me.
Show stock buffs and creles will set you back £15.00 gbp for half a dozen eggs. Good looking examples from non show stock are as low as £5.00 gbp.
Saying that, trying to get american standard araucanas (rumpless) over here is next to impossible.

The place I am looking at getting chicks or hatching eggs from this spring is asking 75 dollars for a dozen eggs or $30 a chick if you want them to hatch chicks for you. So I can order 6 chicks or 2 dozen eggs for about the same price. Plus shipping.
The place I am looking at getting chicks or hatching eggs from this spring is asking 75 dollars for a dozen eggs or $30 a chick if you want them to hatch chicks for you. So I can order 6 chicks or 2 dozen eggs for about the same price. Plus shipping.

These are the birds from where I am looking to purchase this spring. Very great breeders so I am hoping for great quality hatching eggs or chicks.


Definitely quality birds but you will pay for that quality for sure.
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