June Hatch-A-Long

Final chick tally this month. 3 out of 34. Must be some kind of record!:yesss:
Thank you all on this thread for your support and kindness. Really is a great place to be!
Makes you want to be on a hatch a-long every month! (I know, some of you are...)
Love to all and everyone stay healthy and safe!:love:love:love

Only 3 out of 34?? Not exactly the record one hopes for! I hope your next hatch goes without a hitch! I would definitely try hatching eggs from elsewhere though. 😬

Yes! Do ALL of the hatch-a-longs!! Lol
If life hadn't gotten so crazy this month I wouldn't be winding down to stop hatching myself. But with 18 separate hatches and my tally of successfully hatched being 144 chicks, 4 goslings, 2 peachicks, and 1 turkey poult...I suppose that's enough for the year.
I think my Meyer chicks will get here fast, tracking says it is already at their post office (not just a track number), most of the time they don't get the order to their post office until 4 pm their time. first stop.
Mine always got here next day but I’m pretty close

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