June Hatch-A-Long

Are they fertile?
Yeah I think so. Guess we’ll find out. 😂🤣 he said there were 4 in there. Thought it was 3 but then she had another under her lol I made him move her and all eggs to the middle nest box and she settled right back down 😂🤣 she was only on one but I guess gladly took all 4 lol he called to tell me she was broody and I was like I know 😂🤣 and asked if there were any eggs out there. He didn’t want to give her any at first but I’m like we have 4 dozen in the fridge and just a few won’t hurt, they won’t all hatch 😂🤣 there’s a Leghorn egg, an Easter Egger egg (which I know is fertile cause she’s his favorite) and 2 brown ones. And I might give her some more tomorrow depending who lays. Probably more EE & Leghorn.
Cross beak gets worse in chickens as they grow because they double in size so fast.

It’s like a slipped tendon. If it’s not fixed within days, the chick will need actually surgery to get the tendon back in place because they grow so fast.

Defects never usually get better or stay stable unfortunately.
Thanks! I know her chances are not good, my husband already offered to "euthanize" her. I almost did that by accident myself, when the food I was giving her went down the wrong way. She seems healthy otherwise, walks and acts normal.:)
Thanks! I know her chances are not good, my husband already offered to "euthanize" her. I almost did that by accident myself, when the food I was giving her went down the wrong way. She seems healthy otherwise, walks and acts normal.:)
Just don’t beat yourself up over it if it fails to thrive. It’s the worse thing you can do, I would know. I had to euthanize my favorite rooster and cried for days.

Currently have two eggs in my boobs. Yes, I said it. The broody hen got off the eggs with her two fluffy babies and left them to die. I checked all of the other eggs and they are either too little along or dead. The ones that look like they had a few days left still, were put under another broody.

These two have pipped internally, so they’re not far from coming out. I opened them up a smidge to check if they were alive and they were already through the membrane. Veins still present and chewing. Incubators are not hatching ready. Still need to be cleaned. Only option are boobs or ceramic heat emitter. 🤔 I have work tomorrow so... has anyone had any luck leaving hatching babies under one for a night?

I have tried to put them back under mom, but she keeps moving away from the eggs. Even with them peeping.

I’m guessing another 24 hours to go?



I think mom stepped on or pecked at this one after attempts to put them under her.
Tomorrow is the last day for this hatch a long... June flew right by!

Boy did it, I was getting ready to set eggs in a few weeks, need to have an August 5th hatch, or thereabouts for an order. BUT that is not going to happen now. Just sold the house. It wasn't even on the market a week and I had 2 offers. Ended up getting more than asking. Now the fun part, We had not started to really look for another place, because it had not been listed that long, and I and my breeding flocks have to be out of here by August 11th. the land I was looking at buying, even if I went and bought it tomorrow, I could not close on it before the end of August.

Someone out there is messing with me. I just know it!

Currently have two eggs in my boobs. Yes, I said it. The broody hen got off the eggs with her two fluffy babies and left them to die. I checked all of the other eggs and they are either too little along or dead. The ones that look like they had a few days left still, were put under another broody.

These two have pipped internally, so they’re not far from coming out. I opened them up a smidge to check if they were alive and they were already through the membrane. Veins still present and chewing. Incubators are not hatching ready. Still need to be cleaned. Only option are boobs or ceramic heat emitter. 🤔 I have work tomorrow so... has anyone had any luck leaving hatching babies under one for a night?

I have tried to put them back under mom, but she keeps moving away from the eggs. Even with them peeping.

I’m guessing another 24 hours to go?

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View attachment 2219337
I think mom stepped on or pecked at this one after attempts to put them under her.

It's hard to say without knowing the timeframe that they internally pipped but I would say that 8-24 hours is likely. Antibiotic ointment without pain relief is my new go to for applying to the membrane to keep it from drying out. It lasts way longer than coconut oil and doesn't harden like the oil does when it isn't reapplied often enough.
I would think that with them being so close to hatching that you're much more likely to be able to get away with a make due set up but after my very first broody catastrophe I've always had an incubator on standby just in case and I don't have any first hand experience with boob-bators or hatching under plates though.

When I had my catastrophe I set up a plastic container with a seedling heat pad underneath and a lamp over it to regulate the temperature and a candy thermometer to check temps.
It's hard to say without knowing the timeframe that they internally pipped but I would say that 8-24 hours is likely. Antibiotic ointment without pain relief is my new go to for applying to the membrane to keep it from drying out. It lasts way longer than coconut oil and doesn't harden like the oil does when it isn't reapplied often enough.
I would think that with them being so close to hatching that you're much more likely to be able to get away with a make due set up but after my very first broody catastrophe I've always had an incubator on standby just in case and I don't have any first hand experience with boob-bators or hatching under plates though.

When I had my catastrophe I set up a plastic container with a seedling heat pad underneath and a lamp over it to regulate the temperature and a candy thermometer to check temps.

Lost one, the Pavlovskaya/Cemani cross. Would have been an interesting mix. The other is still alive. Thanks for the heads up on the antibiotics. Found some!

Fingers crossed it makes it through the night.
Boy did it, I was getting ready to set eggs in a few weeks, need to have an August 5th hatch, or thereabouts for an order. BUT that is not going to happen now. Just sold the house. It wasn't even on the market a week and I had 2 offers. Ended up getting more than asking. Now the fun part, We had not started to really look for another place, because it had not been listed that long, and I and my breeding flocks have to be out of here by August 11th. the land I was looking at buying, even if I went and bought it tomorrow, I could not close on it before the end of August.

Someone out there is messing with me. I just know it!
Congrats on selling so quickly! I hope you find the perfect place!

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