So from my weather watching this time around I have decided that the extreme summer heat is 100% affecting my hatch rates. For today, that makes a sad day because my hatch rates have steadily dropped as the heat raised this summer and this will definitely be my worst hatch rate yet but at least there hasn't been any 'after lockdown' issues. I still have a few chicks finishing up hatching but I feel comfortable they will finish and the 2 I was questioning before lockdown were definitely quitters that I should have removed, even a bit stinky now but I've been excessively hopeful on this hatch trying to get back to my better hatch rates, lol. I think one was actually lost due to human error because there was a small crack that can be seen in the below image that wasn't there when I set them, so at some point, I must have placed this egg down too rough after candling or moving.

quitter (2).JPG

Anyway, not to count my chickens before they hatch or anything, lol, but I made notes on the weather before setting eggs this time and for at least 3 days prior to setting turkey eggs there was a reprieve in the high temps because of lots of rainfall, it was around mid 80°s and I had a 86% hatch rate with only 1 quitter. On the other hand, for at least 3 days prior to setting the chicken eggs, it was mid to high 90°s and once these chicks finish hatching I believe I'll have a 59% hatch rate, my worst to date. So I guess I'm done hatching until next year unless a friend calls me with an SOS or I'm absolutely positive that the weather is cool prior to getting eggs, lol.

My hatch rates for the month of July! (well the chicken hatch rate is tentative. lol)

- Turkey hatch 7/11/19: 86% (started with 7, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 6 live turkey poults) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Peacock hatch 7/13/19: 75% (started with 4, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 3 live chicks) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Quail hatch 7/13/19: 67% (started with 5, 2 infertile, 1 quitter, 2 live chicks) Version 3 Nurture Right 360 incubator (lockdown in Little Giant for hatch)
- Chicken hatch 7/16/19: 59% (started with 28, 1 infertile, 11 quitters, 16 live chicks) Version 2 & 3 Nurture Right 360 incubators
Cool idea - I hadn’t heard of that! Glad that it worked for you! I’m currently treating two keets for spraddle leg, one with a rubber band and one a bandaid. Seems to be working - if I could catch that purple keet I’d take the rubber band off!!!

The Med Wrap/Vet Wrap that jolenesdad recommended I'm using on the peachick is working amazingly well if you have any! I'm way happier with it and little peachick is moving around so well this morning already that I'm sure I'll be able to remove it tomorrow!

Beautiful little guys!!! Which chicks are these? Hope you get some rest!!!

Thanks! Olive Egger, Crested Cream Legbar, Frosted Legbar, Whiting's True Blue, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.

She has 5 little chicks. #6 didn't make it. View attachment 1846370

So sweet! 5/6 is a great hatch! She did a wonderful job! :celebrate
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So from my weather watching this time around I have decided that the extreme summer heat is 100% affecting my hatch rates. For today, that makes a sad day because my hatch rates have steadily dropped as the heat raised this summer and this will definitely be my worst hatch rate yet but at least there hasn't been any 'after lockdown' issues. I still have a few chicks finishing up hatching but I feel comfortable they will finish and the 2 I was questioning before lockdown were definitely quitters that I should have removed, even a bit stinky now but I've been excessively hopeful on this hatch trying to get back to my better hatch rates, lol. I think one was actually lost due to human error because there was a small crack that can be seen in the below image that wasn't there when I set them, so at some point, I must have placed this egg down too rough after candling or moving.

View attachment 1846530

Anyway, not to count my chickens before they hatch or anything, lol, but I made notes on the weather before setting eggs this time and for at least 3 days prior to setting turkey eggs there was a reprieve in the high temps because of lots of rainfall, it was around mid 80°s and I had a 86% hatch rate with only 1 quitter. On the other hand, for at least 3 days prior to setting the chicken eggs, it was mid to high 90°s and once these chicks finish hatching I believe I'll have a 59% hatch rate, my worst to date. So I guess I'm done hatching until next year unless a friend calls me with an SOS or I'm absolutely positive that the weather is cool prior to getting eggs, lol.

My hatch rates for the month of July! (well the chicken hatch rate is tentative. lol)

- Turkey hatch 7/11/19: 86% (started with 7, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 6 live turkey poults) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Peacock hatch 7/13/19: 75% (started with 4, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 3 live chicks) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Quail hatch 7/13/19: 67% (started with 5, 2 infertile, 1 quitter, 2 live chicks) Version 3 Nurture Right 360 incubator (lockdown in Little Giant for hatch)
- Chicken hatch 7/16/19: 59% (started with 28, 1 infertile, 11 quitters, 16 live chicks) Version 2 & 3 Nurture Right 360 incubators

Well, if it makes you feel any better, all of those are waaaay better rates than mine! lol
Congrats on all the babies!

@Enigmius you did great. A raw abdomen is really, really common especially when you see the chick seconds after coming out of the egg. You probably won’t notice it when you get back.

@two j farm great results in the midst of the storm!!!

I cannot believe you’re STILL going @Mixed flock enthusiast! I bet you can’t wait to clean that incubator.

@CluckNDoodle I’m sorry about the disappointing hatch rate to finish the summer! Do you not hatch in the fall?

I’m so glad the vet wrap is working better. I am always AMAZED at how quickly splay leg heals and how quickly they learn to use a brace, too.

Im down to just two wheaten marans eggs left. What a bummer I really really wanted a wheaten marans pullet this year. Maybe I’ll get incredibly lucky....

I just wanna get to seven days and then I’m transferring all the eggs to the little giant for an hour and cleaning this incubator. I cannot handle the faint smell of AWFUL when I open it up and if it doesnt go away I’m going to be a wreck about it closer to hatch and worrying about what to do. I’m constantly concerned it’s another egg going bad, but I don’t want to sniff test every egg every day, that’s too much action this early.
So from my weather watching this time around I have decided that the extreme summer heat is 100% affecting my hatch rates. For today, that makes a sad day because my hatch rates have steadily dropped as the heat raised this summer and this will definitely be my worst hatch rate yet but at least there hasn't been any 'after lockdown' issues. I still have a few chicks finishing up hatching but I feel comfortable they will finish and the 2 I was questioning before lockdown were definitely quitters that I should have removed, even a bit stinky now but I've been excessively hopeful on this hatch trying to get back to my better hatch rates, lol. I think one was actually lost due to human error because there was a small crack that can be seen in the below image that wasn't there when I set them, so at some point, I must have placed this egg down too rough after candling or moving.

View attachment 1846530

Anyway, not to count my chickens before they hatch or anything, lol, but I made notes on the weather before setting eggs this time and for at least 3 days prior to setting turkey eggs there was a reprieve in the high temps because of lots of rainfall, it was around mid 80°s and I had a 86% hatch rate with only 1 quitter. On the other hand, for at least 3 days prior to setting the chicken eggs, it was mid to high 90°s and once these chicks finish hatching I believe I'll have a 59% hatch rate, my worst to date. So I guess I'm done hatching until next year unless a friend calls me with an SOS or I'm absolutely positive that the weather is cool prior to getting eggs, lol.

My hatch rates for the month of July! (well the chicken hatch rate is tentative. lol)

- Turkey hatch 7/11/19: 86% (started with 7, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 6 live turkey poults) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Peacock hatch 7/13/19: 75% (started with 4, 0 infertile, 1 quitter, 3 live chicks) IncuView incubator (lockdown in Nurture Right Ver. 3)
- Quail hatch 7/13/19: 67% (started with 5, 2 infertile, 1 quitter, 2 live chicks) Version 3 Nurture Right 360 incubator (lockdown in Little Giant for hatch)
- Chicken hatch 7/16/19: 59% (started with 28, 1 infertile, 11 quitters, 16 live chicks) Version 2 & 3 Nurture Right 360 incubators
Enviable hatch rates, CluckNDoodle!!! Especially when you are working with a lot of factors out of your control, since younrodnt raise most of these breeders, collect their eggs, etc!:bow
I put Neosporin on it and left. I feel terrible.
That silly “job” thing has been a problem for my monstrously long hatch too - I hear ya!!! Here’s hoping ducky is perfectly fine when your return. And... YOU'RE DONE WITH YOUR HATCH!!!!! Yeah!!!! Congratulations, what a marathon journey for you and your ducklings!!!!! :celebrate I hope you are able to enjoy a bit of your lost drake every time you look at those babies!!!
@CluckNDoodle I’m sorry about the disappointing hatch rate to finish the summer! Do you not hatch in the fall?

Well, I haven't, but maybe I need to try hatching in the fall as well and this year can be my example for every year following on what months I do and don't want to hatch chicks. Sounds like a wonderful excuse to hatch again in the fall. lol :D

I’m so glad the vet wrap is working better. I am always AMAZED at how quickly splay leg heals and how quickly they learn to use a brace, too.

I mean, so so so much better! :ya I will never use the rubberband/straw silliness again! :clap I think I even remembered you posting using the wrap for your chick and I just forgot about it when the situation struck. I'm so grateful you told me!! :highfive:

Im down to just two wheaten marans eggs left. What a bummer I really really wanted a wheaten marans pullet this year. Maybe I’ll get incredibly lucky....

I just wanna get to seven days and then I’m transferring all the eggs to the little giant for an hour and cleaning this incubator. I cannot handle the faint smell of AWFUL when I open it up and if it doesnt go away I’m going to be a wreck about it closer to hatch and worrying about what to do. I’m constantly concerned it’s another egg going bad, but I don’t want to sniff test every egg every day, that’s too much action this early.

I have my fingers crossed for a pullet for you!!! :fl:fl:fl My vote is that all of the roosters were the quitters. lol

Enviable hatch rates, CluckNDoodle!!! Especially when you are working with a lot of factors out of your control, since younrodnt raise most of these breeders, collect their eggs, etc!:bow

lol, Thank you for your vote of confidence! Your hatch takes the cake this month though!! Your guinea hatch updates have been incredible!! :bow
@CluckNDoodle your numbers are better than mine!

My totals for July:
  • 39 chicken eggs
    • 21 shipped
      • 12 Rare
      • 9 Serama
    • 12 local
      • Serama
    • 6 long-shots
      • 2 New Hens
      • 4 Eating eggs we bought roadside.. that we kept in the refrigerator for the wknd.
  • 19 eggs made it to lockdown
    • 5 Serama (Local)
    • 7 Serama (Shipped)
    • 2 Roadside
    • 5 Rare (Shipped)
  • 13 hatched
    • 3 Serama (Local)
    • 6 Serama (Shipped)
    • 1 Roadside (EE x)
    • 3 Rare (2 Barnies, 1 Isbar)

Hatch Percentages:
  • 43% of Shipped
    • 67% Serama
    • 25% Rare
  • 25% of Local
  • 17% of Long-shots
68% of Lockdown
33% Overall

This was a tough hatch month. The 12 shipped “rare” eggs arrived in awful shape. 6-7 of the local Serama eggs were old/clear. 2 of the long shots were from new hens that had been housed with cockerels. 4 of the long shots were the roadside/then refrigerated eggs.

Regardless, we are happy with the chicks that hatched. And... there is always next month. :lau

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