Just Recieved 200 Chicks from Mt Healthy Hatchery

You ordered the rooster special. I ordered one of their pullet specials a few weeks ago.100 pullets plus for every 50 regular chicks you order you get 25 free(usually roosters).So I have a lil over 150 fuzzy butts in the brooder.They split the pullets 4 ways.. 26 Aracaunas/26 barred rocks/24 buff/26 RIR....The free roosters were all RIR.All arrived happy and healthy.Only lost 1 a couple days ago but I think it was just sqooshed..Good luck with the peepers...
200 chicks? I would lay an egg for 200 chicks.
Black skin & meat chickens are Silkies!

Ideal has a black meat bird...It's a black broiler....

Usually when we order the bargains,we raise them for resale.Local market here has constant demand for fresh,colored, large birds.Mt healthy has the best large quantity bargains.Their surplus chicks are 99.9 % roosters which is what they like around here.Besides,you can order 400 chicks for $100 and $79 shipping.You can't find that anywhere!!!!
Araucanas are a truly rumpless/tail-less chicken, meaning that they are completely missing the last vertabae. They also have a very destinctive and lethal gene trait for ear tufts. Not muffs and/or beard, but rather little feather wings coming from their ears that typically curl upward. Araucana lay blue to blue-green eggs.

Ameraucanas have tails, red ear lobes, and sport muffs and a beard. Ameraucanas lay light to olive green eggs.

Easter Eggers are considered mongrels by both the Araucana Breeders' Association and the Ameraucana Breeders' Association. They can have any color ear lobes, lay green, blue green, spotted, pink, brown, or pale green eggs, and can sport either or both muffs and beard.
no i will throw her bone i will throw her a pooped shovel instead

Check out page 4.
Looks like most are doing ok. I lost 2 more as a checked them this morning. So far I have lost 4.
Black skin & meat chickens are Silkies!

Ideal has a black meat bird...It's a black broiler....

Usually when we order the bargains,we raise them for resale.Local market here has constant demand for fresh,colored, large birds.Mt healthy has the best large quantity bargains.Their surplus chicks are 99.9 % roosters which is what they like around here.Besides,you can order 400 chicks for $100 and $79 shipping.You can't find that anywhere!!!!

When you say market, are you saying a little grocery store, or like a flea market?
Black skin & meat chickens are Silkies!

Ideal has a black meat bird...It's a black broiler....

Usually when we order the bargains,we raise them for resale.Local market here has constant demand for fresh,colored, large birds.Mt healthy has the best large quantity bargains.Their surplus chicks are 99.9 % roosters which is what they like around here.Besides,you can order 400 chicks for $100 and $79 shipping.You can't find that anywhere!!!!

When you say market, are you saying a little grocery store, or like a flea market?

Market simply as the demand around here.Individuals who come to the house and buy hens for eggs or roosters for stewpot.I live in a fishing community with a lot of Vietnamese who live nearby.They do not buy store processed chickens.And they don't buy white or featherlegged chickens,except for Silkies.They prefer fresh meat from birds they can inspect VERY closely for size,health,etc...The ducks are the same way.And they prefer roosters unless they can't find any to suit them better than a hen.

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