Just reserved our puppy - link to parent's pics added!!

Congratulations Gritsar! You must me so excited!!!

Where's that beating a dead horse smiley?? We have already been through this in her last thread on which she would choose. She chose another male, that's her choice....just be happy for her and Jax
Not every one will have the same opinions and experiences, I guess I just don't see what the big deal is
Gritstar knows we are only trying to help and share experiences. Now, when the same people start repeating the same advice over and over again, then we can whip out the dead horse smiley.

Everyone here is excited and waiting to hear the adventure's of Jax's partner in crime!!
I just know what it is like to be so excited about something and then have people kind of bring you down. Just wanted to make sure that this doesn't turn into a big ol' argument over if she is or isn't doing the right thing..that's all.
I know everyone is just trying to help and it is so hard to read tone of voice on here, I really wasn't being snooty or rude, was just simply saying...

Edit for bad typing
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BTufts, your shepherds are beautiful. I love the males coloring especially.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for a black male; although another sable like Jax would be nice too. Their sire is nearly all black and has been fathering alot of solid black pups, so there's hope.
Yes, we have considered the pros and cons of a female vs. another male. Jax will be 11 months old by the time the pup is ready to leave his mom. Jax is very submissive to my DH, but tries his luck with me from time to time; only to be put in his place quickly. We plan to choose a pup that is neither very dominant nor terribly submissive (with his littermates). Ideally one that can assume his place in our pack behind DH, myself and Jax and above the cats. Of course, the cats could care less about pack order. They're too busy doing their own thing.

Technically Jax could be considered a rescue, along with every other dog I've ever owned. Had we not taken him in, he would still be living in an 8x8 outdoor kennel, no shelter and fed when someone bothered to remember.
I'm excited about getting to choose just the right pup for our family.
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Yes! Pictures of the parents! So we all can fantasize about your new pup in the making, with you!
On the bright side, the breeders know Jax and his bloodlines/temperment, etc. They should definatly put that into consideration when helping you pick the perfect companion for your family. I have had mixed experiences with all sorts of gender pairings. Usually, in my experience, it's the females that don't get along. My males have almost always worked out at the very least, an uneasy truce. Females can be downright horrible to each other (that goes for humans as well - lol). I guess there's a reason they call 'em what they do.

I know between your family and the breeder, you are going to make a responsible and informed decision on your new pup.
Congratulations and best wishes!!
(and, yes - pics of the parents are a must, pleeeeeaase???)

I think you should be fine. I have 3 males in my house hold. I prefer male dogs. I have fostered females and I just don't bond as well.

I have a very dominant rott mix. He was from a rescue. His rott mom had the pups in the pound, gave her all and ended up being put down for heartworms. He was dominant from day 1. He wouldn't eat with his sibling, only with the fosters adult dogs. He slept in a little kids lawn chair above the other puppies. He growled when I first picked him up! Well we went a few rounds in his adolescence and we have a come to Jesus talk every once in a while. But he is a great dog. He is the fun police with the other dogs. He is 8 1/2 now.

When he was a year I took in a adult intact male rott. I assume he was a year or 2. He got neutered. He has been beat in his past life and is a big mushball. He falls in place at the bottom of the hierarchy. So he is 8 1/2 to 9 1/2.

About 2 years ago I had a calling and found a mix pup. He was 6-8 weeks old and in the pound. He looked rott/shep, but as an adult and 48 lbs I think he is sighthound (like whippet) and shepherd. He fits in the middle of the hierarchy. As a pup he did have a few run ins with my dominant dog but once he matured they make great playmates.

Many people do better with a male/female pairing. But I think you should be fine since you do plan to take in consideration the assertiveness of your dogs.
Yay! New puppy!

I won't mix females unless they're far apart in age. Too close in age and they don't seem to ever be able to figure out who's in charge when I'm not there.

Male with male or female with male has always worked with me. A one year old female with a 5 year old female only needed one good discussion on who was in charge, and I had the say so and it held while I was gone. But, two 2 year old females... wow... had to break out the neosporene for bite wounds and have a serious "talk" with them about who was in charge, but ultimately had to rehome the more dominant of the two. They couldn't ever stop giving each other dirty looks, and stopping the behavior before it escalated was a full time, never ending job.

Right now though, I have two intact males and one spayed female. The boys play together like they're best friends. Dominance isn't an issue, my male Shepherd could care less. They'll both be getting fixed this year, just to prevent a wondering nose.

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