One of my red sex links likes to fly up on my shoulder and hang out while I do my outside chores. I love RSLs!

The only thing I have heard about them is that they die around age 3 due to how many eggs that they lay.

I haven't had any health issues with them so far, I've had mine about a year.

She sounds amazing!!!

And aw that’s sad!!

But that’s good to know!! Glad not everyone had issues with theirs. Maybe I’ll try them ha
Just that they can be prone to reproductive issues like prolapses and egg bound and stuff and that they don’t live very long. But it probably depends cause I know plenty have them and they’re fine and never have an issue.
I got mine from our local farm. They sell them year around POL for only $9.95. they're such a friendly breed or maybe I just got luck with the 2 they gave me.
I'm thinking about selling eggs to, but I don't want to deal with people :lau

I know my eggs are really good, but I just can't handle complaints. I'll tell someone to fluff off :gig

:lau :gig :lau

I probably would too.

I’m thinking just a stand at the end of the driveway with a money box LOL

No dealing with people that way
So exciting. I received my email saying they has shipped as well but I only ordered 6 so I don't thing getting an extra egg. At least it doesn't show one. Let me know what you get! YAY!!!!

They probably figure people who order small orders of eggs or chicks don’t have room for more lol

I’ll let you know what I get!!! Hopefully you do too!!
There will definitely be plenty!!! :D

I’m a bit worried I haven’t heard from the post office yet... I hope they are not out for delivery. :fl

Maybe I will call them or see if there’s tracking info online haha

They may have called the house phone too. They did that with the chicks. We’re not home so maybe missed it.

I’ll be home soon though. :D
How long till they hatch? How many days?
Take pics of the eggs when you get them. I like seeing egg colors. I want colored layers!

So my two Polish still have not returned... That means I get to keep more chicks:gig

I definitely will!!! Hopefully there’s some colored eggs. :fl

And yay!!! But also sad about the Polish :oops:

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