:lau it's comical to me that people can be so rude on the computer, but if you were face-to-face with them it would be completely different! I'm the same person on the computer or off the computer, I don't change and I don't have split personalities
another thread I assume? Yup -- internet bullies. grrrrr
You didn't take them out of a freezer.


I know but everything says at least 12 hours and I’m paranoid lol

But then again the Meyer I got sheet said 6 to 8 and it’s almost been 6 so.... :lau

But shouldn’t I also figure out the humidity first? Maybe I am overthinking lol

Wouldn’t be the first time.

You won't have an excuse to clean it up and keep it clean.

:lau haha I guess so!!

I really need to get rid of that storage container in there because it keeps accumulating stuff :lau I clean it off then it’s full again immediately after!! :oops:

Wait you can freeze eggs that your going to hatch

Haha no. Kiki was just saying that the eggs aren’t that cold so I don’t need to wait for them to “warm up” :lau

But I’m so paranoid to get it wrong haha

I'm about to give up on BYC so sick of getting my throat ripped out! I can be friendly to a point :he then my inner MASSHOLE screams out and you know how that goes!

Awww I’m so sorry!! :hugs just stick with us!! Lol

I know but everything says at least 12 hours and I’m paranoid lol

But then again the Meyer I got sheet said 6 to 8 and it’s almost been 6 so.... :lau

But shouldn’t I also figure out the humidity first? Maybe I am overthinking lol

Wouldn’t be the first time.

:lau haha I guess so!!

I really need to get rid of that storage container in there because it keeps accumulating stuff :lau I clean it off then it’s full again immediately after!! :oops:

Haha no. Kiki was just saying that the eggs aren’t that cold so I don’t need to wait for them to “warm up” :lau

But I’m so paranoid to get it wrong haha

Awww I’m so sorry!! :hugs just stick with us!! Lol
I think I'm just in a mood today where I can't handle anything!

I got mine from outside and they were cold, I let them sit for about 6 hours at room temp.

My thoughts too haha


:lau it's comical to me that people can be so rude on the computer, but if you were face-to-face with them it would be completely different! I'm the same person on the computer or off the computer, I don't change and I don't have split personalities

Right!? I feel the same way. So stupid lol you know they would never say it to your face!!

Did you really just say that :thsometimes I don't know if you're kidding or not... And why are there so many New Hampshire people in Massachusetts people in the thread :gig

Me neither! Lol

And it’s cause we’re awesome!!! And I think there’s a ton of us on this site haha

another thread I assume? Yup -- internet bullies. grrrrr

The worst!!

Im a masshole too lol im from lawrence

Lol nice!!

We all seem to flock together somehow :lau

I think it’s like a subconscious magnetic effect! :lau

We know other New Englanders are amazing and flock together. :D

Texans too! Kiki is an honorary New Englander or are we honorary Texans? :lau

:lau internet Chihuahuas... All bark no bite.

I don't think that you will regret getting an incubator and incubating especially if you are looking into doing meat birds like I am.

:lau internet Chihuahuas! I love that :lau

And yes! You need one! Or broodies lol

I think you should listen to @Texas Kiki precious time is wasting away

:lau okay, okay, you guys win! I will set them tonight! LOL

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