There will be sooo many!! Lol

She kept asking if any had hatched yet :lau

Oh wow that is scary!!! :eek:

Hopefully they solved the problem??

And wow snow already!? We were supposed to get some tomorrow but they changed it and we’re not now but are next week. I’m not ready. I’m already freezing and turning the heat on. I think this winter will be a real winter again unlike the past several. :hit

You should hatch some birds in the spring!!!

I am so excited!!! I can’t believe I got such a big variety!!!
I’m so glad. Haven’t got mine yet. Sitting on pins and needles!
I never thought I'd enjoy chickens as much as I do... I started for eggs and meat, and I'm clearly addicted now. Hatching will be in my future. I'm researching a self sustaining meat supply, and a bigger coop next spring. Long term - incubation is gonna happen - and I learn vicariously through you all.
We've got freezing rain right now (and the flock is just walking around enjoying it). Should be a few inches of snow overnight. forecast is for 5 inches early next week. Can't wait - I love snowy winters.
oh no. I hate the winter. I’m in the south and fortunately don’t have to deal with the hard colds.
I think I'm just in a mood today where I can't handle anything!

I got mine from outside and they were cold, I let them sit for about 6 hours at room temp.

Lol totally understandable!! I get like that sometimes too!!!

And thanks!! I think I’m gonna do that. Though Kiki sets immediately LOL

at some point I'll ask some questions about your meat bird plans - but not now - don't want to sidetrack this thread!

I don’t mind! Although other people might :lau :oops:

The Halloween/Thanksgiving HAL might be a good spot! That one doesn’t really have a specific topic! :D

I don’t mind but people might get overwhelmed with how long this thread already is :lau
I’m so glad. Haven’t got mine yet. Sitting on pins and needles!

oh no. I hate the winter. I’m in the south and fortunately don’t have to deal with the hard colds.

I hope you get yours soon!!!

And true but you have extreme heat and humidity which I don’t think I can deal with!!
Well, that can be a bit much but I like the heat! Hey, we sound like the Heat Miser & the Snow Miser. Wait, I may be telling my age here..........:oops:

they don’t make ‘‘em like that any more...



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