I had a pip on the puppy eggs I am incubating


Fish tank one on right.
Also a human one will work too.

Thank you!! Funny thing is I almost bought one yesterday but wasn’t sure it was safe or I needed it :lau

I was in the fish section for the airline tubing haha

You see how dumb thermometers are now don't you?
They drive me nuts.

Yes!! It is driving me batty!! I thought maybe I was just going crazy. :lau


Are there actual puppies!? I thought they were joking haha

What is the spreadsheet for and how is it relevant to hatxhing a few eggs

It’s my first ever hatch so I wanted to keep track of this stuff so I remember haha

But mostly it’s to help keep track of what breeds I have in case the breed stamps get smudged.

They’re all different breeds.

And just cause I don’t have tons of eggs doesn’t mean I can’t track it. :D

It's for keeping notes.
One can keep track of how ever many eggs they want...there is no required egg minimum number for keeping notes.

Thank you!!
Yankees :tongueIm a Red Sox gal... If I wasn't, my father might kick me out of the family :gigI like the Patriots too. I've been watching both teams since I was a baby. I can say I like Derek Jeter though! I loved watching him play, such talent! I was huge into Red Sox when Varitek was still playing, I miss him :hit
My kids grew up here, so they’re sox fans. I grew up a Yankee fan and idolized Mickey Mantle. But I also always like the Patriots - so I can sometimes be seen in public without risk of violence...
My kids grew up here, so they’re sox fans. I grew up a Yankee fan and idolized Mickey Mantle. But I also always like the Patriots - so I can sometimes be seen in public without risk of violence...
We need another Superbowl ring :lol: I don't mind the Yankees. I used to love watching them play the Red Sox and the fights :gigSome of the best sports fights ever!

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