i would leave him there for a while.....whether or not overnight depends on how soon you p,an on going to bed and how early you plan on waking up!

Thanks! That makes sense! I won’t go to bed for probably another few hours at least and don’t usually wake up super early so I might just move him before I go to bed or at least wait an hour.

The others I moved right away but this one seems so new and wet still. Plus the others it wasn’t really right away cause it could have been overnight or a few hours before I found them. I’ll give this one a while to rest but I do think moving him at night while the others are sleeping will probably be easier on everyone.
The wellie is FINALLY out!!! :celebrate

Should I give him a sec to rest? Looks like he literally just busted out lol or very recently. Poor thing. Must be exhausted.

Don’t know if I should leave him overnight or just for another hour or so at least. I’d hate to leave him overnight but he seems too new to put with the others just yet. Idk.

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Just took the chick out. It was not happy LOL but settled down once I put it under the heat plate in total darkness haha

Also discovered what I thought was mold but apparently the chick shat in my incubator!! :barnie:lau

Took the shells out and tried to wipe it as best I could without leaving it open too long. Still one egg remaining.

But I candled and didn’t see an internal pip, didn’t hear tapping, didn’t see movement, I really think this one might be a goner. :(


I know it’s still fairly early on and it might just be resting or have been in a cool spot or something so I’m going to try to give it another day or two.

Maybe till Monday or tomorrow night at least and if there’s still no progress I’ll know but I wanna be sure before I call it.

But so far I think 9/13 is pretty good especially considering only 10 made it to lockdown so so far almost 100% hatch rate of the ones that made it that far.

I’m hoping this little one is just resting and I’m not giving up hope just yet.

But do have 9 happy, healthy beautiful rainbow babies in the brooder. :love
You have a plan for the in between totes broder and outside living with your winters? I assume y'all get some pretty bad winters. They will be flying out of your brooder in no time

Yeah we’re having another chain link dog kennel delivered Monday. Haven’t decided yet if we’re gonna use the whole thing for the chicks or use part of it to expand the older girl’s current run. Probably the latter. Either way, they’ll go in there and I’ll figure out how to make it into a coop somehow or we’ll build another wooden one and connect it. I wanted to make a hoop coop cause it’s pretty fast, easy, cheap, but no one else did so :confused:
I was considering calling it, candled again and didn’t see any movement despite looking a while, but then I swear I saw very faint movement, like one body part or something twitching barely, so I put it back. I’m gonna leave it for now.

I was pretty sure it was dead but it could just be a couple days behind maybe?

Wishful thinking probably but I figure no harm in leaving it for a couple more days and seeing.

If it still doesn’t hatch by tomorrow then I guess I’ll consider calling it.

Still no internal or external pip so the chances are probably slim but I’d hate to call it now and accidentally kill a live chick!! I don’t think I could live with myself if I did that.

Anyways, whether that last one makes it or not, we have 9 healthy chicks now!!

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