She definitely has attitude & tries to stand her ground with him they puff up at each other a lot & she like moans all the time when I’m out there! If the moaning sound she makes sounds familiar to you she makes a different sound than the rest! The others kinda make the bock bock or cluck sounds. she makes moan or groan sounds!
That to me sounds like cockerel behavior
I need 4 names and I don't know what to choose. I did like an idea I got today... Spook or Ghost for the white ones

Those are cool names! Especially since they’re Halloween babies.

She definitely has attitude & tries to stand her ground with him they puff up at each other a lot & she like moans all the time when I’m out there! If the moaning sound she makes sounds familiar to you she makes a different sound than the rest! The others kinda make the bock bock or cluck sounds. she makes moan or groan sounds!

Hmm that’s odd. Never had one moan or groan lol

She could definitely be a he and be fighting for the pecking order or she could really be a he and just be telling him to back off :lau

She might be getting ready to lay and not be ready yet and having none of his shenanigans lol

Sometimes cockerels take a while to get to the top of the pecking order and sometimes they never do if there’s a hen who really wants to be in charge lol

Hopefully this one is a girl but if not, I guess one will need a new home.
That is why I was thinking so & the comb is taller than the others! They are almost 18 weeks, they will be Monday week going by the fact that feed store said they were 3 to 5 days old when we got them they had just got them in the Saturday we got them!
My boys act like that to see who's leading the flock. Squatch has officially won... For now. I have big boys.
Those are cool names! Especially since they’re Halloween babies.

Hmm that’s odd. Never had one moan or groan lol

She could definitely be a he and be fighting for the pecking order or she could really be a he and just be telling him to back off :lau

She might be getting ready to lay and not be ready yet and having none of his shenanigans lol

Sometimes cockerels take a while to get to the top of the pecking order and sometimes they never do if there’s a hen who really wants to be in charge lol

Hopefully this one is a girl but if not, I guess one will need a new home.
That is why I was thinking so & the comb is taller than the others! They are almost 18 weeks, they will be Monday week going by the fact that feed store said they were 3 to 5 days old when we got them they had just got them in the Saturday we got them!

Hopefully we are all wrong and you have a hen. :fl

What will you do if she turns out to be a he? I know you are already keeping the Brahma so will you keep two or rehome this one or eat him or?

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