I am so sorry... maybe I shouldn't have skipped to the end but who was johnny?

Thank you! And it’s okay! @Kiki named one of my chicks Johnny 5. He was the first one to hatch and was a Barred Rock. One of my favorites and one I was strongly thinking of keeping. :hit

He liked cuddles/pets once you caught him but wasn’t overtly friendly or disrespectful or anything and still ran from me. He was perfect!
one of my favorites was a barred EE "she" was absolutly adorable we named "her" and got so excited to see what color egg she would lay till I walked in on "her" crowing and mounting another hen! oops!! funny thing is He had hen feathers, No sickle feathers or saddle feathers??? go figure!
one of my favorites was a barred EE "she" was absolutly adorable we named "her" and got so excited to see what color egg she would lay till I walked in on "her" crowing and mounting another hen! oops!! funny thing is He had hen feathers, No sickle feathers or saddle feathers??? go figure!

Oh wow that is definitely very strange!!! Maybe he was just a late bloomer?? Or a very dominant hen :lau
Oh wow that is definitely very strange!!! Maybe he was just a late bloomer?? Or a very dominant hen :lau
I am about 99% sure he was a rooster... I never did get an egg. grummble grumble
but its ok I learned not to declare gender till I was sure... and even then take it with a grain of salt. crazy birds keep us on our toes!
I am about 99% sure he was a rooster... I never did get an egg. grummble grumble
but its ok I learned not to declare gender till I was sure... and even then take it with a grain of salt. crazy birds keep us on our toes!

That makes sense!! And they sure do!! I had some I thought were girls but they ended up being cockerels! :hit think the only girl is the Welsummer and maybe the Buff Orpington haha

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