khaki campbell drake attacking 1 specific female duck


So I separated the drake from the hens for a day and a half.

This afternoon, I allowed him back with the hens to see how
the dynamics would be like between him and that specific hen.

He was much less aggressive with her and stopped pulling her neck
after she tried to run away a few times.

There were moments when she even went away very far from him
and the other ducks. He did not go pursue her, which was good.

Then after 2 hours or so, she went closer and hung around
with the other ducks and he didn't bother her much like before.

It is weird, because when she is near him, she still nods her head downwards, as if she were consenting to his advances.

There is another duck who does that a lot, but he doesn't seem to care,
so doesn't mate with that duck who seems willing and ready.

Will keep watch to see how things go tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for your comments, as they are very helpful!
I have a Muscovy drake that will be 7yrs in June he is still going strong just not quite a strong in the hormone dept as in his younger days. Thank goodness.
But My old drake was 1 month shy of 12 yrs when he passed and he was still trying, [Trying] is the key here :lol:

haha, wow! good to know they can still try breeding at that age.
He is young and so are the Hens. It happens. She is maturing faster so he likes her. Provide a kiddie pool. It makes breeding easier for Ducks..

Yeah, I have a little pool for them and I thought that when she was in there, and then he went in, that they would have mated there. But that didn't happen. She just jumped out after a minute or so. haha
We rehome our aggressive breeding drakes as they do more harm than good. Hope separating him will chill him. Didn't ever work that well for us unless the ducks were not laying and it was too cold for the fella to care about breeding. Best wishes

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