Killed my hen after she pecked my son's eye - 2nd time

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I can't tell you how much I agree with the others who say don't get another chicken - you are the type of animal owner that makes my blood boil - YOU do the wrong thing by not teaching your son how to handle the pet and then kill the pet? God forbid if you had a cat, dog or horse...praying for them that you don't.

So, the chicken is so tame you can pick her up and she comes when she is called? She behaves like a CHICKEN and you kill her? Your post made me feel ill and so very sorry for her to have ended up with you.

I would had probaly done the same thing as the op. I'm sure i have a different view on this than most on here. I've been raised around farm animals (which chickens are) all my life. My 7 yr old calls all our chicks supper and he has been told that they are livestock and not pets. We play with them and everything else and he's been taught that they will peck or maybe even flawg. So he understands to be careful around all farm animals.

If my dog would bite me or my son he will get the bullet also.

Hey Amoretsky
How'd the chicken taste?
Thanks, I don't think the breed was an issue. The chicken was a mongrel. Too bad I really liked her. My son was just too much in their business and I was too lenient. Not to mention the fact that this was my first chicken. But just couldn't take a chance with her.

I'm alone here with my boy. Hard to know what the right thing is sometimes. The chickens have been a wonderful learning experience. He opens up the coop in the morning and collects eggs, or counts them.

I'll just have to supervise more closely and not let him be so affectionate with them.
It's hard too because he copies and he sees me pet the hen all the time when she's eating from my hand. So he tried to so the same.

Then he'd try to stop them from copulating. He thought the rooster would hurt the hen.

No we'll do this again. I'm determined to have meat and eggs. Just have to watch him and supervise better and change a few of the rules.

Besides I already built the coop and the run. Got the food, built a feeder.
No, I want untainted meat and eggs. And for me with high cholesterol, I've just begun to eat eggs again.

But thanks, Takes a parent to understand.

I've been living in the Philippines these last 6 years. If people here could only realize that their animals live better than quite a few folks in 3rd world countries. Funny. Animals with clothes.

There was no second thoughts as this was the second peck just below the eye.

I'm just sorry I didn't boil the water first.

Soup was pretty good. I've seen chickens butchered, but never done it myself. I messed up the innards and mistook a gizzard for a heart, squished the liver too much to eat, but fertilized my new fig tree with the remnants.

Back in the Philippines they would have eaten the head roasted over coals. Same with the cleaned intestines; put em on a stick and grill em. Feet also.

What's the deal with feet in this country. Never see em. My mother used to boil them for soup. What happens to all the chicken feet in the US?

It's so sad there are so many irresponsible parents out there who don't monitor their children's behavior any better than they do. I see so many mothers who let their children roam unattended, getting into trouble, such as chasing my chickens or pulling up my plants. It makes me so mad. The animals and the plants end up at the short end of the stick because the parents' refuse to do their job.
Quote: That used to be my granny's favorite part...she'd nibble all the meat off and suck on those feet like crazy. The closest her chickens ever got to wearing clothes was when she hung them up on the clothesline to kill them.

I save the feet on my meaties because they are so huge and tender...make the best stock and then the cartilage/bones make the best dog snacks afterwards.

If the worst thing a parent ever does is let their kids chase chickens and pull up plants, well bless their hearts! Kids are kids and chickens will be chickens and neither will suffer too badly from it. I can hardly consider that neglect when one sees what is going on in the world and how children are treated out there. Two days ago a local couple tried to sell their 2 yr. old for $2500...and this is out here in the country. There are far worse transactions going on all over the world~particularly in Thailand.
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If the worst thing a parent ever does is let their kids chase chickens and pull up plants, well bless their hearts! Kids are kids and chickens will be chickens and neither will suffer too badly from it. I can hardly consider that neglect when one sees what is going on in the world and how children are treated out there.

No doubt let your kid be a kid. I know people who don't let their kids get dirty or play outside. I'm glad my parents let me get dirty and didn't let me sit inside and play games all day.
I'm guilty of trying to cuddle up my girls and they don't EVER peck BUT saying that......I had a friendly girl peck my ear one time because my earrings. Shiny things or things that are a bright color r going to attract them. I would have him throw some gloves on him before he plays with the birds and definitely don't hold them. They probably see his eyelashes and think yummy. Poor little guy he will probably hate chickens because of the pecks.
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