Lacy is broody again!


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
She has been broody 3 times and she is only a year and a half old. She hatched and raised 4 of Speckled Hen's (Cynthia) eggs. I have 3 from Hawkeye and 1 from Suede and dear, departed Velvet... all girls.

I got 6 more eggs from Cynthia, all the way from Georgia to California to put under her. I am really praying for a rooster!

Now, here she is... I just love broody hens!

Ms. Broody Lacy



Thanks, she is a Golden Laced Cochin. She is a hatchery chick but my, she is such a pretty one.

She looked so silly when a chick and then turned into a nice looking chicken. The lights in the coop were just right for me to capture her this afternoon.
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Hi Lacy, being broody is not at all fun when you are the broody one, LOL!!

Thanks for the compliment on her. She is very laid back and lets me rub her wattles, and pet her even when broody.
Thanks, see, she has that "dazed broody look"?

It is kind of a stupor, but I would think you would have to be to sit on eggs for that long, LOL.
Tell Lacy her Aunt Cynthia sends her a hug and best wishes on hatching out Dutch's babies and Hawkeye's grandkids! I have a Golden Laced Wyandotte pullet and she is just stunning, even being a hatchery girl. I love that color so much.
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Yeah, that golden color is really beautiful and seems to go with Fall perfectly. Let's hope that she hatches a cockerel, Aunt Cyn.
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Congratulations on the broody Lacy! A beautiful bird indeed.

You're sure lucky to have a broody. I hope my hen becomes broody too! I have my eyes on those chicks!

Good luck!

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