Also could I get them to breed true?
I think you could get them to breed true, but it may take several generations. I would search Fibromelanistic Easter Egger in the BYC threads and see if others have described their work. A simple google search may also give you some useful information, granted you would have to sift through a lot of useless info, too. Good luck with your project!😊
Am how long am I able to breed relatives? If that makes sense... at what point is that too taxing on the gene pool?
You can keep breeding chickens to related chickens as long as you like, although you are more likely to see some kinds of problems as they get more inbred.

Common problems are low hatch rate of eggs, and chickens that do not grow as fast or as large as their ancestors did. So if you see that happening, it's time to add some new genes to the mix (like another lavender Ameracuana, for example.)

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