Lavender Orpington Thread

How do I know if our are girls or boys?
Two have really big combs other have smaller but don't know if they are same age are not same size also one b.c is darker lav color and others are lighter
Hi, I still consider myself very new to this, but I've had chickens and chicks growing up and now have a few of my own:) my flock consists of 2 Rhode Island Red hens, 1 sex link rooster(huge), & 1 Cochin & my FAVORITE:) my little Lavender Orpington rooster:) & 1 bannie hen(my dads) but stays with mine. I also have an Americana that is still in quarantine since June 8th & any chick we put with her dies:( I also recently acquired another Lavender and a blue Orpington chick:):) I'm looking to buy more since they (Lavenders) are my favorite:) also chocolate Orpingtons as well they are gorgeous!!:) and I was wondering if anyone could direct me to someone I could purchase them from:)?
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Hello, new here. Just learned there were different orpingtons than just the buffs, that's all I have seen till joining here. I just wanted to say yall have some beautiful birds! I have a buff rooster now and he's cool as all get out. Gonna have to check on some of these lavender hens.
Hello, I ordered some Lavender Orpingtons on ebay and should be getting them tomorrow. I've never ordered eggs before, so wish me luck with hatching. No one has any around here, so I had to order some. I've only seen Lavender Orpingtons in photos. I hope they look just as gorgeous in person:) I'll let you know how my hatching goes.
Hello, I ordered some Lavender Orpingtons on ebay and should be getting them tomorrow. I've never ordered eggs before, so wish me luck with hatching. No one has any around here, so I had to order some. I've only seen Lavender Orpingtons in photos. I hope they look just as gorgeous in person:) I'll let you know how my hatching goes.
Good luck! I have ordered several times from e-bay with about 3 hatching from each dozen. I was told by a friend that if the seller wraps in tin foil you have better results but have not tried that yet. It is suppose to help with x ray machines.
Iv had great hatches with my lavs I bought on ebay! It really depends on how they are packed! Eggs should never be shipped laying on their sides..always pointy end down! Also theu should never be fully wraped in anything! Bubble wrap with the ends open to let the eggs breath.

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