Lavender Orpington Thread

Hey all it's been a while since i have had the time to get on BYC. A while back i asked about a couple of my LO chicks who were showing a lot of yellow on their heads, hoping it would help in sexing. Well that was a dead end, but i did research what caused the yellow on LO chicks and found an interesting answer. The yellow comes from the gene responsible for mottled coloring. Meaning my little yellow heads have some mottling in there genetics. Now that they are feathering out it is easy to see. One has better patterns then the other, and it turns out i think they are both pullets. So that leaves me with 2 LO roos, 2 LO pulleys and a BO pullet. Not a bad shake out for straight run. I will post pictures as soon as i get a day off that isnt rainy. ;)
Its dark but the one in front has the mottled coloring

Hey all it's been a while since i have had the time to get on BYC. A while back i asked about a couple of my LO chicks who were showing a lot of yellow on their heads, hoping it would help in sexing. Well that was a dead end, but i did research what caused the yellow on LO chicks and found an interesting answer. The yellow comes from the gene responsible for mottled coloring. Meaning my little yellow heads have some mottling in there genetics. Now that they are feathering out it is easy to see. One has better patterns then the other, and it turns out i think they are both pullets. So that leaves me with 2 LO roos, 2 LO pulleys and a BO pullet. Not a bad shake out for straight run. I will post pictures as soon as i get a day off that isnt rainy. ;)
Orpingtons have such beautiful faces. I have a handful of Black Copper Marans chicks that I am looking forward to for their chocolate brown eggs, but heavens, they are ugly in the face.
BTW- Are LF Orpingtons supposed to be a broody breed?

I have a BO and that girl will sit on nothing and sit for days until we lock her out of the chicken house and the duck house. She is quite the broody chick, but we've never given her fertile eggs to sit, but I'm sure she'd sit for the duration.
Any help on the sexing dept with his LO? Gut feel is I have a roo, but I'm still not sure.
7 weeks old
Some days the face seems a bit more pink and others it is still gray. Comb is mostly gray still, but wattles are pink, not huge, but wattles non the less.
The 6 week old gold laced cochin is very much a little roo :(

If both are roos, they will go back to the breeder and I'll just try again next year. If the LO is a pullet, then I'll swap out the cochin for another around the same age that isn't a roo.

Any help on the sexing dept with his LO? Gut feel is I have a roo, but I'm still not sure.
7 weeks old
Some days the face seems a bit more pink and others it is still gray. Comb is mostly gray still, but wattles are pink, not huge, but wattles non the less.
The 6 week old gold laced cochin is very much a little roo :(

If both are roos, they will go back to the breeder and I'll just try again next year. If the LO is a pullet, then I'll swap out the cochin for another around the same age that isn't a roo.

I can't say for certain because it's a different line or may be a late bloomer, but she could be a pullet.

Here are mine that hatched May 13th so about 5 wks old. You can easily identify my male chick - even from a distance.

I laugh whenever I see the little family because the chicks have already grown larger than their Sebright mama.

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