LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Ugh, my hip and knees and toes hurt so bad. Especially my hip. Feels like I have a prosthetic leg and joint right now. Tomorrow is a slightly shorter day (9-6 in one location versus 7-1:30 in one job and 2-6 in the other) and then I have 6-6.5 hour days sunday-wednesday so I have a short break before next Thursday.

Friday and Saturday are fiber show though, so lots of sitting thankfully those two days. Then I'm pretty much busy nonstop until June starts. At least in June I'll have a day or two off each week
Also opened my big mouth and got myself sole charge of the succulents. So if they start dying, it's on me. Woo 😐

Fluffy, do you happen to know what this one is? It's just labeled as a decorative assortment. I can try and get a better picture tomorrow if I need to

Poor Sedums and Burros, I had so many I had to throw out because they were just rotten from water. They just fell apart when I brushed a finger against them to check firmness
Dang :/ I was going to try to play an old website based game (Leporidae) I used to play a few years ago in early middle school, but now apparently there's a better version 2, but it's invite only.
I have an account but I can't find where the invite codes are 🥲 If I work it out do you want me to send you one?

I might start playing again. I thought my rabbits would be dead but no they are just 28y old 😆
Ah, so funny story about those! I was given one. All was going great, until one day it dropped all its leaves. A few weeks later, when the leaves had started to
Also opened my big mouth and got myself sole charge of the succulents. So if they start dying, it's on me. Woo 😐

Fluffy, do you happen to know what this one is? It's just labeled as a decorative assortment. I can try and get a better picture tomorrow if I need toView attachment 3806434
Poor Sedums and Burros, I had so many I had to throw out because they were just rotten from water. They just fell apart when I brushed a finger against them to check firmness

grow again, it was gone. And I don't mean dead. I mean gone gone. Searched the entire property

I don't think these like me very much

Whether you should get it or not, I don't know. I found it too picky for me, but I didn't have it for more than 6 months seems like its care is similar to that of a succulent (it's not an actual succulent), but it didn't work too well for me:idunno

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