Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Janus was startled because he wasn't sure how to respond. He couldn't kill it - not now. It would have been easy when it was a bird. But it was an Aves now. His grip on his weapon faltered. He had never felt so conflicted in his life.
"You're my prisoner now," he breathed at last.
Crow took a step back. "C'mon, we can... we can talk about this." he said, reaching towards the table behind him for some sort of weapon. All he could grab was a large wooden spoon.
Luna kept silent for a few moments, acknowledging what her friend had just commented. But she didn't think Alec cared...or did he? He had let her come back day after day and had begun to warm up to her, but did that mean he cared about her. Luna finally spoke up after a while contemplating, murmuring "I'm not really sure if he cares about me. I think he doesn't care about survive. So that he doesn't get destroyed on the inside if and when he loses said thing or person." She added thoughtfully "Besides, there's plenty of humans to go around, so that he would settle on an Aves isn't really realistic, is it?"
Persepolis thought for a moment, "I think that he likes you at least a little if he let you keep coming back. Besides, some humans like Aves more than other humans." She paused, finally adding, "I still think you should go for it. Why throw the chance away if he hasn't given you a clear no?"
(What should happen? Should Janus attack? Crow escape? :D)
Janus tightened his grip but still held his ground.
(My original plan was for him to get captured by the hunters for studying or something, and then someone rescue him. I'm flexible though, what did you want to do?)
Crow eyed the dagger, and slowly put down the spoon. He'd have to figure out how to get away before this human called for reinforcements. If that happened... he could only hope that he could slip away in crow-form.
Persepolis thought for a moment, "I think that he likes you at least a little if he let you keep coming back. Besides, some humans like Aves more than other humans." She paused, finally adding, "I still think you should go for it. Why throw the chance away if he hasn't given you a clear no?"
Luna contemplated everything once again, inclusive of what Persepolis had just added, before she finally piped up, responding "Yeah, I guess you're right. And it's not that I want to give up or anything, it's just that...I'm scared of having my heart broken...again." Luna shut up immediately afterwards, realizing she had probably revealed to much. However, after a sigh and a few more moments, she turned to Persepolis awaiting a response, with an open facial expression. She trusted her friend enough to talk about her past.
Luna contemplated everything once again, inclusive of what Persepolis had just added, before she finally piped up, responding "Yeah, I guess you're right. And it's not that I want to give up or anything, it's just that...I'm scared of having my heart broken...again." Luna shut up immediately afterwards, realizing she had probably revealed to much. However, after a sigh and a few more moments, she turned to Persepolis awaiting a response, with an open facial expression. She trusted her friend enough to talk about her past.
Persepolis paused, but not inconsiderately, "Again? I'm sorry that happened to you. Would you like to talk about it?" She waited patiently for Luna's response.
(@RiverStorm I started Lucas if thats ok. Take your time, just quoting you in case alerts dont work)
(lol dont say sorry its fine where she is. And no worries)
Xylo kept his eyes on hers until she snuggled closer to him, which is when he maneuvered his arms to bring her closer, holding her close in a gentle and caring manner. He kissed her cheek gently before he teased lightly "You always blush like this, or only around me, Ms. Vampire?"
Eva had been awake for a while now, and was sat at the edge of her bed while she planned something to do with Lucas, something different. She was quiet as the last time she had checked, he was still asleep.
Persepolis paused, but not inconsiderately, "Again? I'm sorry that happened to you. Would you like to talk about it?" She waited patiently for Luna's response.
LUna began slowly, giving her friend a weak smile, "I had just joined the other Aves at the mansion, after having left the orphanage, and this boy came up to me early, told me he wanted to be there for me. Eventually I fell in love with him, rather quickly, most likely since I had been deprived of affection and attention for so long, you know." She paused, her voice getting somewhat cold not at her former lover, but at herself for having been so gullible, as she said "When another girl came to the mansion from out of nowhere, he just forgot about me, said he had found someone else." She let silence settle in, before she muttered "I was pretty heartbroken, and felt worthless and stupid. But that's the past now, so." At the end, she finally faced her friend.
(@RiverStorm I started Lucas if thats ok. Take your time, just quoting you in case alerts dont work)
(lol dont say sorry its fine where she is. And no worries)
Xylo kept his eyes on hers until she snuggled closer to him, which is when he maneuvered his arms to bring her closer, holding her close in a gentle and caring manner. He kissed her cheek gently before he teased lightly "You always blush like this, or only around me, Ms. Vampire?"
Eva had been awake for a while now, and was sat at the edge of her bed while she planned something to do with Lucas, something different. She was quiet as the last time she had checked, he was still asleep.
"Simply around you." River uttered quietly, enjoying his warmth.
Lucas rolled over in his sleep, and flicked his eyes open. "Hey. Good morning." He croaked to Eva.
LUna began slowly, giving her friend a weak smile, "I had just joined the other Aves at the mansion, after having left the orphanage, and this boy came up to me early, told me he wanted to be there for me. Eventually I fell in love with him, rather quickly, most likely since I had been deprived of affection and attention for so long, you know." She paused, her voice getting somewhat cold not at her former lover, but at herself for having been so gullible, as she said "When another girl came to the mansion from out of nowhere, he just forgot about me, said he had found someone else." She let silence settle in, before she muttered "I was pretty heartbroken, and felt worthless and stupid. But that's the past now, so." At the end, she finally faced her friend.
Persepolis listened intently the whole time, "I'm so sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that. I somewhat hope that other girl broke his heart." She paused, muttering resentfully, "I liked a boy once, a rotten boy who did me no good." Her voice was cold as steel at the memory, but she said no more.

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