

7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
I use lime in two areas in my yard where my dogs do their business. Any one know about lime & chicken issues?
Thanks. Still gearing up to get my chicks in April.
A number of folk here use pelletized lime in their coops and I can't recall anyyone mentioning problems. Lime is also used to disinfect coop so, again, no problem. But, buth forms have in common that it is difficult for the chickens to ingest the lime. I'm not sure what form you are using. I do know that chickens will not eat anything they find to be disagreeable. It's likely that they will leave it alone, though a pile of poop could be tempting to them.
I rake up the poo as much as I can, then sprinkle powered lime in the area. So there "hopefully" isn't to many piles to tempt those Fluffy Butts when I get them.

I've decided on Barred Rocks. Calm dual purpose and I love the coloring.

There are several different kinds of lime. Do a google and study up a bit.

The kind of lime I use is low on magnesium. It is 90% calcium carbonate Calcitic lime. Yup, you guessed it. The same calcium carbonate that makes oysters shell and egg shells. If they eat it, you'll just have harder shells. Dolomitic garden/lawn lime is too high in magnesium carbonate. Some lime is used in making concrete or brick mortar products and is not recommended. Hydrated lime is used to dry out horse stalls.
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Hello all,

I have found several threads on this subject and it seems there are a few products that are safe to use. I have a dirt floor inside a large coop which now has just a "wonderful" odor going on. The dirt is basically pretty loose so I can rake in anything if necessary. Does anybody have any idea as to which product would be best for my application to get rid of the very strong odor?

Thank you!
Hello all,

I have found several threads on this subject and it seems there are a few products that are safe to use. I have a dirt floor inside a large coop which now has just a "wonderful" odor going on. The dirt is basically pretty loose so I can rake in anything if necessary. Does anybody have any idea as to which product would be best for my application to get rid of the very strong odor?

Thank you!
I was wondering the same thing. Ususally the chciken run doesn't smell much, I rake it out once a week, but we have had 8 inches of rain over 5 days so it' pretty yucky. Would love to help out the run and the chickens safely.
I use the deep litter pine shavings(6 to 12 inches) method with a twist, I add sweetPDZ horse stall freshener(tractor supply). It's made from Zeolite which is used in aquarium and other filtering products and not harmful. I read about it here and moved from just using it my donkeys stall to a 3 inch deep poop deck that i scoop the poo from and I add PDZ as needed into a deep pine litter. I throw scratch feed on top everyday and my girls turn the whole thing over. 1 day a week i rake it back, sprinkle in, on alternate weeks, sevin dust or De and check for wet spot which I remove to prevent fungi. I plan to remove every last bit twice a year, clean, disinfect, and redo the litter when the floor is good and dry. My coop has no chicken manure stink, the manure pile in the pasture also does not stink!!!
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I called the local purdue AG office and they said on a dirt floor, dust the AG lime or Barn lime onto the floor then rake it in and cover with a light area of bedding. In my case I used pine shavings. It won't hurt the chicks or chickens to eat the lime its just calcium.
I'm hoping the lime will disinsfect the inside of the coop a bit, I was dealing with cocci.
They said I should do the run also lightly dust and rake in.

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