Just Rosie

8 Years
May 10, 2016
I have a Little Giant Still air bator that I used on my first hatch last year (yield of 2 out of 12, but they were shipped eggs), and from what I remember, the temp stayed pretty steady and within normal range, obviously enough so that I got some chickens.
Anyway, my hens just started laying, and I know that this time of year doesn't yield great results, and of course all of my hens are brand new layers, and my roo is the same age, but that is irrelevant, I am determined!
So I put in the first eggs I collected, sort of as a test run, I wasn't expecting much. I have about a hundred thermometers in there, which I'm learning is a bad idea, so I am from here on only use the two hygrometers with thermometers to measure.
So my bator was set at 103, because temp was reading low (hard to read the first hygrometer, the scale is not very specific), but when I put the new hygrometer in, the temp read 95.5. Long story short, my Incubator seems to be off about 7.9 - 8 degrees! I haven't tested yet to see if it will hold temp, I am home all day today so I will be checking it periodically. My question is, is this safe to try and hatch eggs as long as the temp holds? Both thermometers currently ready about 100.5 degrees fahrenheit, when the incubator thermostat is set to 108. I'm just worried suddenly the incubator is going to change its mind and the thermostat will start reading, and heating, correctly! What are y'alls thoughts on this? Also, as a side note, I know a circulated air incubator is better as it keeps temp steady and even throughout bator, if I bought a small fan to place inside, would this achieve the same thing?:lau
Thanks in advanced for your help!
I have a Little Giant Still air bator that I used on my first hatch last year (yield of 2 out of 12, but they were shipped eggs), and from what I remember, the temp stayed pretty steady and within normal range, obviously enough so that I got some chickens.
Anyway, my hens just started laying, and I know that this time of year doesn't yield great results, and of course all of my hens are brand new layers, and my roo is the same age, but that is irrelevant, I am determined!
So I put in the first eggs I collected, sort of as a test run, I wasn't expecting much. I have about a hundred thermometers in there, which I'm learning is a bad idea, so I am from here on only use the two hygrometers with thermometers to measure.
So my bator was set at 103, because temp was reading low (hard to read the first hygrometer, the scale is not very specific), but when I put the new hygrometer in, the temp read 95.5. Long story short, my Incubator seems to be off about 7.9 - 8 degrees! I haven't tested yet to see if it will hold temp, I am home all day today so I will be checking it periodically. My question is, is this safe to try and hatch eggs as long as the temp holds? Both thermometers currently ready about 100.5 degrees fahrenheit, when the incubator thermostat is set to 108. I'm just worried suddenly the incubator is going to change its mind and the thermostat will start reading, and heating, correctly! What are y'alls thoughts on this? Also, as a side note, I know a circulated air incubator is better as it keeps temp steady and even throughout bator, if I bought a small fan to place inside, would this achieve the same thing?:lau
Thanks in advanced for your help!
have u tried testing thermostat in other controlled temperatures? also if water is needed for humidity then u may have too much if u need to set at 108 to achieve 100.i would say yes a small fan would then make it the opposite of a still air incubator.
I have a Little Giant Still air bator that I used on my first hatch last year (yield of 2 out of 12, but they were shipped eggs), and from what I remember, the temp stayed pretty steady and within normal range, obviously enough so that I got some chickens.
Anyway, my hens just started laying, and I know that this time of year doesn't yield great results, and of course all of my hens are brand new layers, and my roo is the same age, but that is irrelevant, I am determined!
So I put in the first eggs I collected, sort of as a test run, I wasn't expecting much. I have about a hundred thermometers in there, which I'm learning is a bad idea, so I am from here on only use the two hygrometers with thermometers to measure.
So my bator was set at 103, because temp was reading low (hard to read the first hygrometer, the scale is not very specific), but when I put the new hygrometer in, the temp read 95.5. Long story short, my Incubator seems to be off about 7.9 - 8 degrees! I haven't tested yet to see if it will hold temp, I am home all day today so I will be checking it periodically. My question is, is this safe to try and hatch eggs as long as the temp holds? Both thermometers currently ready about 100.5 degrees fahrenheit, when the incubator thermostat is set to 108. I'm just worried suddenly the incubator is going to change its mind and the thermostat will start reading, and heating, correctly! What are y'alls thoughts on this? Also, as a side note, I know a circulated air incubator is better as it keeps temp steady and even throughout bator, if I bought a small fan to place inside, would this achieve the same thing?:lau
Thanks in advanced for your help!

Not knowing your location... I would suggest the low temp is likely due to it being winter. I find my indoor temperature is more consistent in the winter, but it can make incu's run a little colder. I'd personally run it for 3 days checking to make sure temps stay the same before setting eggs. I have read of people adding fans to their LG incu's with good results. @H@tcher
Not knowing your location... I would suggest the low temp is likely due to it being winter. I find my indoor temperature is more consistent in the winter, but it can make incu's run a little colder. I'd personally run it for 3 days checking to make sure temps stay the same before setting eggs. I have read of people adding fans to their LG incu's with good results. @H@tcher
I agree my incubator runs a lil colder at night time when the temps drop
Gotcha, that makes sense!
I am gonna monitor the bator over the next couple of days before setting my next batch. I think now, looking at my setup I MIGHT have a circulated bator (I have long lost the box and instructions) but the fan barely blows if any. So far the temp has read as much as 8 degrees off or as little as 5. The overall actual temperature seems to be staying around 100.5 - 101.
I am not currently adding water as I'm in GA and it is VERY wet right now, in fact so much that I'm going to have to do some research on how to reduce it!
Hopefully the actual temp continues to hold at 100.5-101, I am happy with those temps, and logically I can lower if need be and it still hold. Thank you everyone for your advice!

Agreed...and make sure you have accurate instruments. I got the Caliber IV for temp. and humidity. Both readings were dead on right out of the box.

Also, if yours has the circulating air fan in the heating element, you can still have hot and cold spots. I added a fan mounted to the bator top blowing catty corner around the inside. I don't have hot and cold spots anymore.

Good luck and keep us posted. :pop
Well I had candled these 8 "guinea pig" eggs on Saturday or Sunday, which would have been day 3 or 4, when I realized the Temp was way off. I didn't see anything that hinted at an embryo, but I kept them in the bator while I've been adjusting it. I candled last night as I was about to toss the eggs, but I always like to check, just in case!
Well, turns out I have some embryos! 3 eggs definitely showed some nice veins, and 2 were a bit questionable so I kept them in just in case. After yesterday, they might be fried, and I certainly wasn't turning them when I thought they were no-gos. I will be keeping them in the bator and turning them until a couple more days pass, to check for growth.
My bator's accuracy seems to be going up, as I've been lowering the bator to find a closer temp to 99.5, the "set" number is being lowered but the bator seems to be holding at about 101.5 still, and I'm down to 102.5. Next year I'm investing in a fully automatic bator, this thing is giving me such anxiety!:barnie
I plan to invest in a computer fan or the likes and add it for more circulation, we'll see what happens to these little chickies!

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